I read about this before, specifically from a person that has worked allot with beings and guardians in the astral plane. Some are called Midwayers...and they told him about a very important technique that can be used to have better dreams and better interpretation, along with more communication with your guardians.

What this technique consists of is just reading a book. here is where i got it from, a person who runs the 11:11 message board site

The first one was given to me in the 1960's, the second around 1985, and the third and last in February or March of 2000.

The book is called "Zolar's Encyclopedia & Dictionary of Dreams." (a Fireside Book by Simon & Schuster.) I read it from cover to cover back in the 1960's, but decided it was ever so much hogwash.

It probably is. It could be. But . . . it worked. With a request made to my Guardian Angels, who are responsible for generating dreams, my dreams began to "align themselves" with the dream translations in the book.

Not only that, but my patients began to relate dreams that also made perfect sense . . . in that same little book. On occasions they were aware of the fact that I would find the answer in "a book I might own."

There were a few instances of a "Spirit" telling them of a book in my then extensive clinic library holding the key to the meaning of their dream.

I don't "do" dream translations, not anymore. I recommend you get the above book, and read it from cover to cover, a dreary task, but it will be in your subconscious, then ask for your Destiny Guardians (who know the book by heart) to relate your dreams to that writing.

It works!
A great book to read is the Zolar's Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Dreams: Fully Revised and Updated for the 21st Century


All you have to do is read the book, and then just ask for your guardians to relate your dreams to the writing of the book...and presto instant interpretation.

Anybook will do, just zolar is really extensive, even has numbers in it and stuff that relates to todays day and age...really awsome

i am just starting out to read it!