Hello Robert,

I'd like your advice concerning affirmations. I want very much to overcome barriers I seem to be encountering in my practices, and am thinking that affirmations might be a good next move. I've "tried" affirmations in the past, but to be brutally honest with myself I cannot truthfully claim them to be earnest efforts. Therefore I can't honestly tell myself they don't work since I feel I haven't given them a fair chance.

I have two main issues: one is a very powerful skeptical nature which will not accept the belief of self as Source until it is proven - and I tend to take the extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof route when it comes to things of a spiritual nature. The other issue is privacy - it is very difficult for me to find a quiet place where I can be alone, which makes it hard to do verbal affirmations. I was wondering if you could make any recommendations for a good affirmation to use for confirming Self/Source unity, and if you had any tips for dealing with the privacy issue, as I'd like to be able to give affirmations an honest and fair trial (i.e., actually doing it right).

Many thanks for your time!