I really need to get back into the habit of writing my dreams down. Unfortunately, I'm still letting minor fears get in the way of doing that (interesting how I can now see that fear-based reactions account for a majority of my laziness...lol).

In any case, this was awesome. The dream kind of fluctuated between two scenarios, which I think might have been me partially projecting from within the dream. It went from me hanging out with friends, to me speaking with a guide of some kind and receiving instruction...whoa, I just had a sudden memory of a dream that I don't remember when it occurred, if it was recent or not. My poor head, lol. In any case, I can't remember much of the instruction, but I DO remember asking questions that were totally relevant to my life, so I assume I had some kind of lucidity or presence of mind within the interaction with the guide, I just can't remember much of it. My alarm woke me mid-conversation with the guide >.< I'm not sure if it was my higher self, which leads me to assume it wasn't, but probably another benevolent being of some kind.

It was very very nice...not quite enough to tip me over the edge to where I want to be (no form of validation), but definitely a nice carrot saying I might be on the right track. If I remember correctly, I was being taught something about more advanced workings of magic.