Hello! I've been reading these forums for the last few years now. I just registered because I needed to create topic dealing with popping noises that occur during meditation, energy raising, etc. After reading a few posts on the subject I see there is a debate between people who think its an everyday occurrence or astral noises, and those who believe it is energy. From my experiences I can assure you that it is extremely probable that energy is playing the role in causing noises in the room. I never go a session without hearing it. I rarely hear anything when i just want to go to sleep. The smoking gun is the fact that my MP3 player often sends out a noise that i can only describe as BLEEP! Not loud, but it usually follows a thought. I've been trying to have an OBE but I'm bad at trance work. I've never been in a trance before =( Therefore I know its not from a result of trancing. I promise you, it's not something wrong with the headphones or the music. I've rewinded the music just to prove it to myself. Popping in the walls is one thing, but sending blasts of energy out my ears causing a split second disruption in the music is kinda scary. I do think that i'm mentally unstable to some degree. I believe I have Asperger's syndrome (self diagnosis) and i wanted to know if you guys think these two things relate to the above phenomenon. Thanks.