IMO - I feel that beings can be as lowly as a thought form and evolve to the level of a "That God we keep mentioning" if it is the same one.
From my experience entities Archangel sized need to break into smaller pieces before they can interact with with us, "God" (IMO) also has this issue, but that doesn't mean much. It just means that the big kahuna that everyone talks about is just too big and too busy to be the guy who actually answer prayers and helps out people who pray or are in need. Its other entities (IMO) Sometimes other gods or angel/demon labeled creatures of intellegence. Or not so much intelligence.

Even demons can reach an "archdemon" level. Sheesh. Things just evolve on different paths. *Oops, not everyone is the "same"??* Love seems like a great path to take too. But only as far as you want it. Control of emotions and removal of energetic blocks doesn't have to be done with love.
Philosphy is hard for me to understand, thats why I seek out first hand experience in as many cases as possible.
If I don't have that I go to someone who seems to have the ability to find out for themselves, and explain it plainly.