Quote Originally Posted by Timotheus
wow Korpo, you just answered a question for the wife and I. for no apparent reasons she and i have been experiencing muscle aches in our lower back, hips and legs, sometimes all these places at once, sometimes just one or two at a time.
Do you have these during energy work or just randomly?

I hope you checked out a doctor about this. I mean, we can talk "energy blocks" all day as if they were mythical things from another planet, but what it comes down to is that energetic distortions and the physical body are related. Whenever we speak of illnesses in the body triggered by our state of mind, energy and blockage is IMO the link. (Just my opinion.)

So, if you have actual spasms and contractions due to enhanced energy flow, it just might be that the doctor might actually find something there - reduced blood flow for example. Where energy lacks also the physical body might lack blood and therefore oxygen. Calcifications can be there in more severe cases - I have them in my right shoulder. Etc.

Of course, if the physical problems are at the nerve, not the muscle level I don't know if the doctors could see them or unambiguously identify them. My problems are very easily traceable in comparison - you can see them on scans.
