WoW, amazing Alaskans

The male/female theories brings psychological concepts that can explains a lot about those entities (or neg), as if U get sucked by a blob, we agree the attacker is assexual, compare if it's obviously the opposite sex (or same sex for someone specificly gai?).

I was thinking that a man, or a woman, playing with his/her body (again), was giving away some energy, as it goes in a erotic dream for instance, I was wondering where the energy is going, maybe it bounce back, maybe it's flowed away in thin air... maybe some entity can swim in it and suck it... but what if you specifically "send" that energy to someone?

Because I feel almost 100% shure that two people exchanging fluids exchange non-physical fluids as well, and it would be weird to imagine some neg messing around trying to suck a drop of it, it's not meant to get sucked by any other being then the ones involve physically, but correct me please if I'm wrong.

Love (physical but certainly more psychological) is one of the strongest basic human needs after Food and Shelter, the only difference with primary needs is that it involve an external entity, usually a human I see it as the second "source of food" for animals and "beings", which image becomes clearly more visible when you fall into a succube