I've been experimenting with this for the past couple of months.
At work, i have a glass bottle, with a label on with the words LOVE AND GRATITUDE written on it, which I keep filled with water.
i literally tell the water that i love it, and am grateful for it.

My main intention was to see if I could shift the psoriasis which has been plaguing me for the past 7 years or so...
I haven't changed my diet, or my alcohol intake, or any other aspects of my lifestyle.
This being a deliberate choice so i could see if this one change - blessing the water I drink every day with these two simple words, plus a visualisation of myself in perfect health every time i drink it, would have any noticeable effect upon my health.

Since i started this, two things have happened.
A few weeks ago i underwent a cleansing experience in the astral realms. Now there's no way to be sure if that was as a result of my constant intention and action taken towards perfect health, but, I'm going to assume it was. No-thing is separate, right?
Since that experience, I've been able to feel my energy field in a way I couldn't before.
When I bless the water, or whenever i think about sending loving feelings/intention to another person, I feel the energy emanating from my heart.
It's lovely.

Also, since then, the psoriasis has slowly but steadily begun to clear up. The biggest/oldest patches are now becoming smoother, and "normal" skin is once again visible in the centre of each of these patches.
I'm delighted, as the psoriasis has kept me feeling very self-conscious and rather unattractive for years now.
I'm also now blessing all of my groceries in the same way after I've been shopping, sending love and gratitude energy from my heart, into everything I'm going to consume.