About scientists' attitude towards the paranormal.
This could have gone in the 'Science, etc.' Section, but I decided to put it here:
A clear example is the way people argue against the possibility of ET visitations. I'm still open-minded as to whether or not we're being visited by ETs. However, I do grow tired of people who say "ah yes, but even if life exists elsewhere in the Galaxy they won't be able to visit us because it'll take them too long to reach us, as Einstein has taught us". But these people view the possibilities according to the street light; in other words, according to current knowledge and theories. As physicist Michio Kaku has pointed out, if an ET civilisation was even a few hundred years more advanced than us we would not be able to apply our current knowledge to understand their capabilities, let alone to predict and anticipate them. As the late Arthur C. Clarke once famously said, to us the capabilities of a suitably advanced civilisation would be indistinguishable from magic.
The whole article is here:
http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse ... =450482223