Hi all,
I'm a new member here but a longtime lurker great site btw

First off a bit about my kundalini experencies, i had my first spontanous kundalini experience in mid 2005 one night when i had just gone to bed and it was major, it blew my mind i had no idea what was going on, i had never really meditated or even knew what kundalini was about.

It started off my seeing the entire universe as a single cell type structure that kept poping in and out of existance, i became so to speak this single cell type structure so it felt like i was popping in and out of existance, then followed some intense obe, which i had never done before apart from a couple of lucid dreams.
I've read many stories on forums about feeling and moving energy upwards, i never remember feeling anything like that for the first 6-7 months, it just happened boom so to speak.

Over the next 2 weeks i had about another 2-3 kundalini experinces which where basically intense obe's i met a one of my spirit guides who was there to help in my chakra balancing, i had no idea whats that was at the time.

Many many other simmiler events happend over the next few months until around march/april 2006 when i had the what i call the major one, when i mearged/became one when the source/christ conciousness or what ever you call it, my exprience was very simmler to roberts experince that i came across on the net (thats how i found this site btw)

I've never had any other major kundalini everts happen after that, i have had obe's and talked to my spirit guides.

Fast forward to today my mind is a mess so to speak, i have rapid moods swings, which include violent thoughts, my mind is racing at a 1000 miles an hour, its becoming difficult to watch a movie/read a book or internet pages because my mind is always on other things this really is becoming a problem.

My mother is a medium and a reki master so i'm lucky in some respect that i can talk to her although she's not had any kundalini events so she doesn't fully understand it from my point of view.
I've tried meditation it does work but i can't always meditate during day to day activaties.

Any insight help will be most welcome.
