
I had my first OOB experience for some time the other night. I was lying on my side falling asleep while doing affirmations. At some point I drifted off to sleep.
I suddenly became aware that I was seeing through my closed eyes and that I was floating along the side of the bed towards the wall. I realized what was happening so kept calm and sort of floated to the foot of the bed. While I had a relatively good focus in the room, I had very strange vision. Everything looked like shattered glass. I'll try to explain a bit clearer - as I moved, everything seemed to look like a sort of stained-glass, blade-like pattern which distorted everything as I moved. However, I could see enough to navigate and inspect things. I looked down and saw my partner and I asleep in bed. Rather than going to explore, I decided to take it all in and go back in my body to ensure I remembered it clearly. The whole experience lasted around 10-15 seconds at the most.

The strange thing is that before the OOB, perhaps an hour or so before when I was trying to fall asleep, my left eyeball ached considerably. Excluding eye-strain, any kind of ache in the eye is very uncommon for me. For some reason, at the time I put this down to an energy surge of some kind. I found that swirling energy around my eye eased the pain.

I just thought i'd share this experience as I find I forget these things and go into denial unless I write them down! Was also wondering if anyone else has similar vision symptoms.
