Quote Originally Posted by Dragonlor
I don't meditate. My brain is always too busy thinking about stuff to ever relax and I always feel like I'm wasting my time if I'm just sitting there. Even if I thought I could somehow get myself to relax I don't think I'd ever have the patience to wait long enough for it to occur.
Anyway... Dragonloor of sure you sleep... How much... 8 hours, 4 hours, 3 hours... anyway you´re loosing a bit of your life... SLEEPING..! If you sleep 8 hours in mean, and you're 30 years old (by example), you've lossed 10 years of your life sleeping.

Anyway... meditative pattern day-to-day doesn't require to meditate long (1 hour, 2 hour...) 15 minutes a day is enough to reach significant improvements in your life.

My best regards...
Natalia Parker