Hi everyone, I'm new here but this astral projection subject has become my major focus these days. I am currently using the book and generator. I am at day 32. I was just wondering if any of you were interested in opening a thread where all of those who use this book would write short comments, anything that is worth commenting about. So that we can see if any of us has any luck and see what is the average number of days needed in order to achieve a first and wonderful OBE.
It is not intended to frustrate those who cannot manage after 60 days but all kind of wierd things happen to me and I'm sure some of you share the same sensations, or those who haven't started yet would like to know what they can expect at each stage.
I do have a real problem though with AP, I tend not to concentrate on my job anymore, I just keep looking at the time and look forward to go home to do my energy work and exercises. I keep reading 100's of books on the brain/quantum physics/consciousness/ life after death. I'd like to know whether this is a normal transition for all of us and whether it is going to smooth eventually. When I think that I was convinced I was an atheist and that the brain was just a computer.....what a revelation !
The authors advise to do the energy/trance/exit exercises in the afternoon...but I have to work ! Is it better to do them at night (8.30pm-10pm) or to wake up at 5am to do them ?