Hello everyone,
I'm new here, but have been astral, etheric projecting for very long time in human terms.
When was younger, I started projecting and upon reaching the lock up vibration stage thought I was dieing, a friend of mine told me that it sounded like I was astral projecting.
The next time this happened, the vibrations I said to self I did not care if I died, and pop the electicty the noise was gone and I was out of my body.
At this time I was a fruitarian so as it seems I was already at a higher vibration level, was in perfect health resting heart rate about 50+-.
Though I could astral travel, I rarely did I stayed close to home, I reached a point that if I sat down, my body would start to vibrate and I would float away from my body.
I had 360 degree vision, and I would know things that were not possible for me to know, One time I reached thru a concrete wall and could kind of taste the make up of the concrete in a weird way.

But any how I started doing somethings, nothing really bad but I lost my astral vision, evertything was black out side my body and these things were just on outside growling, as if waiting for me to step out.
Anyhow I got out of this thing I was doing, had a encounter with what I would call Satan, but things had changed I seem to of never regained my full ability.

Something else that was in my thoughts was being a fruitarian, after the flood God told man that the amimals would be his meat, and was i wrong working with devil using soul power rather than the Spirit.
The Christ said be not concerned with what you eat, this would be in line with transmuting things I guess, not being effected by poision ?

In kundalin, I have reached the point of facing self, and am some what of one mind now, I haven't any fears except for the fears of others that are lost in this place.

The reason I came to AD is some one told me the Answer to my inability to reach the vibratory state was told in the book Astral Dynamics, does anyone have this anwser at hand.

I can still go into lucid state at will, but I'm sure most know of difference in dream state, lucid dreaming, OBE, I can remember being in OBE and falling into dream, it all seems very close.

Thanks for any help
Oh and I was student of Carrington