Quote Originally Posted by parkerness
Hello, Heliac =) been a while.

Your experience of a few nights ago sounds extremely interesting. The fact that you heard someone who was helping you get out of body is enough to bring my hopes up. I only recently started the practice again since I left the country for a bit but I'm hoping to catch up soon. As for your night time adventures, since you're always around in real time, do you think you'll be attempting to go to the astral planes any time soon? I only ask because you say nothing too amazing usually happens and I think if you can get out there would be a million possibilities of things to do like going to France or Japan or somewhere awesome; at least the astral planes would be a completely different ball game. I wish you the best of luck.

Oh and the seizure event sounds crazy. To think you could actually shake your physical body while being out of it is something I've never heard of before.

Hi Parkerness how are ya?

I don't know how to get to the astral planes. How do you do that?Is there direction on how to do that online here?
I've decided i'm going to read as little possible about the planes and stuff like that but if you have documentation on how to get there i will try it next time I OOB with good control.

Yea the seizure event was crazy. It has happened twice so far both times it happened when i was trying to force myself awake, good thing is it stops once i am fully awake.And it's not like a violent epileptic seizure but it is definitely noticeable to others and very weird. Since then i have read about several people who are epileptic and out of body experiences is reported as being a sign/symptom of a seizure.I'm not epileptic though and i've never had seizures prior to trying this.

I just found this after doing a search for seizures on the forums:
http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... ure#p96105