
I'm new here this is my first post.

My first query is...I have been listening to hemi-sync Cds for some time, after being given a gift of 5 or so from a lovely friend. However, I just read recently that if you burn the CDs to mp3, you may as well just listen to them without headphones. The hemi-sync part of it doesn't work.

Today I was looking into buying a huge capacity, expensive mp3 player to put the files on as standard wav files, but they are very expensive and many say they only support mp3 fomat, so I'm not even sure the wav files would play anyway.

Does anyone know, can you in fact get the hemi-sync benefits if the files are mp3 format, if you listen to them using good quality headphones? What about the highest quality mp3?


Query 2: The whole hemi-sync thing...does it make the brain work more than it would if you just listened to mozart say.. even when you are using it for relaxation?

I am very ill and need extreme rest. Even a few words spoken, or light viewed or one turn in bed can make me ridiculously ill (cardiac insufficiency and a mitochondrial disorder plus brain injury etc. etc.) as can even thinking...if I do all this when I am meant to be resting, which is most of the time, sigh. I wonder then if hemi-sync is counter productive for someone like me? I need all rest I can get.

I know absolute rest would be better, but... I get so bored doing absolutely nothing though..and like idea of improving my brain while I rest if I can too. Plus slow music helps me to relax and not be itching to get up and do what little things I can still do. It's maddening.

And is there a big differnce between what the 'concentration' type CDs do to the brain, and those for sleep, or is hemi-sync the same old hemi-syncing in each and just the feel/mood of the music is differnet??

Thanks so much for any responses I want to buy some new hemi-sync CDs and maybe a speaker pillow but need to know this stuff first.