I've been studying this since 2003 when I was a sophmore in highschool. I studied for hours after school at the library researching information and reading books until it closed every night for nearly a year until we got internet. I know a lot about this stuff and have had many OBE's...but I have never had an actual conscious exit OBE...I always either wake up with vibrations able to leave...or come from a Lucid dream back to my body....these are exciting, but I've never actually been able to leave my body from a fully awake state.

I'll do the relaxation exercises, and start raising energy to my chakra's one at a time after entering a trance...I then focus on quieting my surface mind which is SO HARD for me to do...after years and years of sleeping with music playing...always having music on while on the computer...everything has always been able to occupy my surface mind...I tried using music when I try to have an OBE but it hasn't worked and I usually don't have music because Robert says it doesn't provide you with a full effect and I want to train my mind to be the best it can be without using artificial props or tools...so I'm sitting/lying there...and I've been getting better at keeping it quiet, but usually it will be just chattering away...I'll keep my focus (yet staying relaxed and mentally relaxed so not to disturb my physical relaxation) on my breathing and sometimes it'll just start talking, saying things that are totally stupid and aggravating...not the normal things that usually it does...it'll do things that will be like trying to PREVENT me from getting an OBE(it'll say mean things to me like stop or random meaningless words, gives me a feeling like it hates me or something)...I know it takes practice but I've tried all the techniques in both roberts old astral dynamics and new astral dynamics (which is SO MUCH BETTER, he is way more indepth in the new book and I learned so much more from it). But I just seem to be at a standstill here...last week I did get the heart chakra sensation where my heart was beating super fast I tried to stay relaxed and my hands and body got all sweaty after I calmed down so I wasn't able to leave....I want to have this so bad I just don't know what to do...what am I doing wrong? I am practicing and taking it slow..not rushing things, it's been 6 years...the rope techniques haven't worked yet for me...what am I supposed to focus on...I focus on my breathing, but am I supposed to look through my closed eyes at my eyelids? Does it matter if I move my eyes any? I get REM sensations and ignore those, I get the cobweb feelings...I don't know what to do from here and I want to do this so badly....it's all I think about and I love it so much...I get lucid dreams often, I'm so in touch with my subconscious mind and I remember my dreams really well....I have a journal where I write down my experiences and thought and theories about this..I emailed Robert years ago and he told me to get the book Franz Bardon - Initiation into Hermetics and I finally bought it a couple weeks ago...I got it and am still on the theory part but it has a lot of techniques to try....

I just don't know what to do from here, I feel like a lost puppy dog with no where to go...I want this so badly and I know a big key to getting an OBE is desire and will..and I have that...also another thing...about meditation...what exactly do you do while you're in the trance state when JUST meditating? He says he'll meditate for hours, but what exactly does he do when he meditates? Does he just sit there blankly pushing thought pressures away until they don't bother him anymore, then what happens after that?

I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but these have been building up inside of me for years as I've become more experience with this stuff and these are obstacles I just cannot seem to pass through. I've read his first PDF on Treatise on OBE...countless times, bought the astral dynamics book twice, read that front and back, bought his new astral dynamics book he just wrote in September a few weeks ago and have been reading that...I'm doing everything I can, but I still haven't had an actual conscious OBE...and I don't really know where to go from here...I just sit/lay down and (even though I sound frustrated now) stay relaxed and I can enter the trance state...I just can't stop my mind from talking to me....then the next step after that is an exit attempt, when do I know when I can do it? How long after my mind stops talking to me do I do an exit attempt? I've seen the hypnagogic imagery before...and when I had my first OBE it was only after I had gone to sleep and woke up WITH vibrations (sleep paralysis)....it was an amazing experience and I've had many many OBE's from LD's but I can't get it from a sit/lay down session...

If you can help me I would be so grateful...people with more experience know the problems people are having...and I have no experience of being awake so I can't really diagnose it myself and fix it....I have no clue where to go from here but to keep doing what Robert says...thank you so much for taking the time to reading this and I look forward to any replies that might help me on this lifelong journey....

Daniel Miller
Tampa, FL