Hallo to you.
This is something exciting for me as, for the first time, I am posting one of my OBEs here at AD. I look forward to any feedback - comments, questions and/or suggestions - from any members. The OBE occured last week and is titled

"City Flight"
(OBE #8
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
It began when I woke up already out of body and outside the house. The location was vaguely familiar - an ethereal counterpart of this area. It was not the Real Time Zone (RTZ), however, as there were definate and obvious differences in the layout of the neighborhood including most of the buildings.
This OBE was all about flight. I immediately felt a strong desire to get airborne. After a couple of tries I managed to float up off a sidewalk into the air. There then followed a very long flight, mostly over streets and between buildings.. I soon realized that power lines were a possible obstruction to flight and so flew up higher, going up to about 200 feet.
In addition to the differences in the layout of the various buildings in the area it was also bright daylight when it was actually between 2AM and 4AM. Many people were out on the streets. A few could even be seen flying about. I now assume that nearly all of those people were discarnate, either OOB or dreaming.
I headed north toward the river, having a vague uneasy feeling that someone was following and that I had to get out of the city. Obstacles to flight began to materialize in midair - overhanging roofs up where no structures should have been. All of these constructs were only mental obstacles yet they still greatly hindered flying. Eventually I was forced to land of the roof of an apartment building. Then I was nearly trapped inside the building in a woman's apartment. After I got outside again by going through an open window the OBE unexpectedly ended and directly became a fantastic epic dream.
OBE #88 Notes. Time was between 2 AM and 4 AM. Duration was 20 to 30 minutes (followed by the dream which lasted over an hour). Unsure which side I lay on.
Locale I-BST, a familiar location. There were unfamiliar persons about, mostly discarnates (with perhaps 1 or 2 physical people as well(?)). Deliberate (passive), Affirmations (before sleep), Emotional, Floated, Flight, Energy (pranayama), Barriers, Meditation, OBE ended in a Dream, Travel-teleport.

btw the dream following this OBE was also kinda special so I decided to post that in the main Dream forum.
Thanx for reading.