Mr Bruce:

I've read your "Astral Dynamics" book, and I'm thinking of getting your 'Mastering Astral Projection' one. (Do you have a preferred venue for getting that, by the way?). One thing that makes me hesitant however is the focus on chakras and the "energy body." I can buy the concept of an out of body experience and that one needs to meditate to achieve it. I've been practicing breathe awareness and physical relaxation meditations for about a year now. But the concept of hindu "chakras" seems a bit too...religious, to me. I've not heard them mentioned in the book I read by Monroe, for instance, and yet you focus on them /alot/. I mean, since you've been doing this for years and I've never done it I imagine your techniques obviously work for you, but I come from a rather secular background (I'm a dirt-poor new-college grad in physics/astrophysics), I find the concept of hindu chakras harder to accept then out of body experiences themselves.

Note: I made a copy of this topic and put it in Down Under for more general discussion.