I haven't consciously OBE'd for some time now. I have been quite curious lately about what certain things feel like again...

Has anyone tried to be aware of breathing while OOB, if so how did it feel? I dont just mean recalling if you breath or not in an OBE like trying to think of what its like in a dream... I mean specifically putting some time aside OOB to see what happend when you think about breathing... (like looking at your hands, or going through walls)... How does it feel? If there was no feeling of breathing, did you panic?

I just want to know what happens consciously OOB when you think about breething mechanisisms.

If anyone has experience of this, I would be gratful for any comments. Or if youre a seasoned projector, would you mind giving it a shot and letting me know?

till then, Ill keep trying myself!

Kind regards