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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #511

    Re: A couple of different experiences

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I remembered. This one was before the 'greek' paper dream. I was touring a place in the water (like on a boat, I've had similar dreams before, where I drive on a boat and see sceneries, like a ride. I came upon a scene in which was a Hermetic temple, and it was 'labeled' as such, but I was surprised, because everywhere there were golden Indian Buddhas everywhere meditating, and there were no egyptian motifs of any kind. I wondered what this meant. I was talking to someone in the boat with me (a fellow traveler/watcher) and I was telling him that I always visualized people into this as robed with wands chanting in Hebrew, which is why I was surprised to see this eastern iconography, straight from a buddhist temple that uses the thai/hindu style buddha statues. It was beautiful but perplexing.
    I was touring a place in the water (like on a boat, I've had similar dreams before, where I drive on a boat and see sceneries, like a ride. [Water = sea of consciousness, the dreamer's inner world, wet like shakti, the water destined to be reunited with fire, a feminine world, related to the conscious erotic ego, especially since it is at the surface, not in the depths of unconscious non-ego.] I came upon a scene in which was a Hermetic temple, and it was 'labeled' [consciously denoted, as opposed to unconsciously hidden] as such, but I was surprised, [Unconscious contents are not expected to appear with conscious realizations] because everywhere there were golden Indian Buddhas everywhere ["Everywhere" repeated twice foreshadows full conscious realization of universal validity of Buddhism] meditating, [Gold denotes universal divine perfection. The mingling together of universal {"golden"}, Hermetic {Greek}, Buddhist {Middle Eastern, Japanese, Chinese} together represent those truths that are yet to be fully realized as valid Wisdom traditions in the dreamer's conscious mind, which the unconscious Animus is presenting to her. These motifs are all related geographically with the so-called "eastern hemisphere" of the world, which is the natural location for unconscious contents to reside for an American 'westerner.'] and there were no egyptian motifs of any kind. [The dreamer is already conscious of valid Egyptian power, {wielded by human priests I might add, NOT idols} since the dreamer is a Christian and has probably read the account and heard the sermon where Egyptian priests turned staffs into snakes countless times, connecting Egypt directly with realized 'western' ego consciousness.] I wondered what this meant. [Contrasting consciousness with unconsciousness, learning to "Know Thyself" fully instead of partially] I was talking to someone in the boat with me (a fellow traveler/watcher) [The dreamer converses with her Animus, contrasting her conscious perceptions with his unconscious contents] and I was telling him that I always visualized people into this as robed with wands [The archetypal originator of the symbol of the magic wand was Moses' Rod of God, a real artifact that shocked its image into the collective consciousness of humanity in the deepest of ways, naturally appearing in the hands of people speaking Hebrew.] chanting in Hebrew, [Past conscious assumptions about valid spiritual paths reveal themselves as incomplete, being devoid of valid unconscious contents.] which is why I was surprised to see this eastern iconography, straight from a buddhist temple that uses the thai/hindu style buddha statues. It was beautiful but perplexing. [The final words of Aleister Crowley, a famous western occultist as well as an eastern yoga practicioner, were "I am perplexed." This is understandable since he knew that the eastern traditions were valid, but did not realize how to separate western, unconscious projections of the devil from them, or that the devil was such a projection, and neither did Carl Jung, though his methods make it possible to do so. Whatever the light of Consciousness fails to shine on automatically becomes dark, cthonic and evil. The answer is the 'golden' oneness, the perennial philosophy, wherein the next step is taken as the 'other' is realized by the conscious mind to be Self, baseline consciousness expands in an inner Transformation to encompass the whole of conscious and unconscious contents and Individuation approaches as Ego and Animus, the black and white of yin and yang finish mixing with each other to become a uniform grey color, the color of the Tao. The light of Love shines in the darkness, the shadows disappear, and perfect Wisdom is found standing upright as He leaves His eastern corner He had cowered in for far too long, infinitely grateful that noone is calling Him the "devil" anymore. Even in Genesis, as God looked on his finished creation, "God saw that it was good."] {Since the dreamer is a female, Wisdom should appear male, as he would take the place of her Animus, which has a male form. For men, Wisdom will appear female.}
    Last edited by Pneumismatic; 11th August 2012 at 04:11 AM. Reason: Spelling
    "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

  2. #512
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    Re: My dream diary

    Wow. That was awesome. You're on a roll.
    BTW, I spent most of the night in a half-awake state. Didn't get any deep sleep at all.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #513

    Re: My dream diary

    "And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have dreamed a dream, and there is none that can interpret it: and I have heard say of thee, that thou canst understand a dream to interpret it. And Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace." - Genesis 41:16 "And they said unto him, We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter of it. And Joseph said unto them, Do not interpretations belong to God? tell me them, I pray you." - Genesis 40:8 Glory to God.
    "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

  4. #514
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    Re: My dream diary

    Last night, I dreamed I was (we were) in a very tall building, and I was jumping around in the balcony when I realized this might not be a good idea, although it was a concrete balcony, in the fourteenth floor (my mother in law lives in a fourteenth floor and has a balcony, so this is where this image may have come from). I then moved closer to the opening where it's closer to the body of the building and resumed what I was doing.
    Later on there was some food distributed and my son took a bite. We were in the building waiting for something to pass, and I felt the building wobble, and wondered if it was a good idea. It was, whatever it was passed.
    Today in the morning news, there was a report on the safety of balconies and decks. I found this curious, considering how my first dream started.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #515
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    Alen UFO dream

    I was someone else, and was having a problem with alien abduction flashbacks. The way it was, my husband and I had a young son (a toddler). I was having dual experiences, and wasn't sure what was real. I would be in the house and all of a sudden our son would start screaming and I would start to see, as in a clairvoyant vision, when I closed my eyes, aliens coming and grabbing us. With my eyes open I couldn't see anything but our 'regular' existence, and we were afraid, it seemed only our son could 'see' the aliens in real time- I had to close my eyes. We then were in a parking lot or something like that, when our son started screaming "they're coming, they're here!" and I could see aliens surrounding us. So my husband and I grabbed our son and started running from where we could see they were.
    At some point someone, a 'UFO Investigating' group, showed up to 'help' us- I remember feeling very relieved that they were here, although I can't imagine what they could do to stop it. The dream ended there.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #516
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    Re: My dream diary

    Had a variety of dreams, but the one that stands out is this:
    The dream had started as some sort of retrieval episode, where my son and I were retrieving people who were passed into the next thing they were supposed to do, and I knew we were not physical. It seemed that there were many people needing this help. We were going over a bridge and we fell in the water as we were carrying the people that needed help, but I knew we weren't in body and had nothing to worry about. Then we reached the place we were trying to get to, and it was a large 'welcome center' type of place.

    I awoke and then went back in, and we all were in this center, and most of my family was sitting on a table. In front of me were my mother and grandmother, and some other people. In the middle of the conversation I realized that my grandmother was supposed to be dead, and there she was. It was kind of a moment of lucidity. I told my mother "she's here!" and my grandmother, laughing, embraced me. I kind of flinched because I had read that dead people didn't like to touch the living for some reason, and she thought this was hilarious, and hugged me harder. I then, when she let me go, realized that I was talking to my mother, who is also passed (my grandmother passed two years before my mother) and then I realized that I was in a kind of 'afterlife' area.
    I looked around to see if I recognized anyone else, and there was a man that said he was my father. I went to hug him and say hello, but then I realized this was not him, he looked 'wrong'. Then he started laughing and said he wanted to 'join us' and I said no. I then pushed him out the door. He tried to come back in and I pushed him out again. Then I woke up again. Last night was not good for sleeping, and I slept in two hour increments. Because of this I also had lots of liminal experiences (messages, voices, and other experiences that I have forgotten. I was given two names, one being 'Mia' or something like that (a female two syllable word) and the name of a place, that I've forgotten.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #517
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    Re: My dream diary

    Had a version of a recurring dream- I was given a beautiful house and was occupying it, when I remembered that sometimes we share a portion of the house with someone else. Even though in these dreams the other 'person' is hidden I can tell they're living 'there'. In this version that was the same, but at the same time it was different as we had run of most of the house. It was beautiful and well kept, and I had no trouble with the concept of the other occupant. I could see behind 'their' door (his?) that the light was on, as I walked past the hallway that led to his door.
    A difference here is that I was not intimidated by the concept of getting 'too' close to 'him'.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #518
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    Re: My dream diary

    I was being taught how to replace one memory with another. The first one was putting in pictures over the old ones enough that would cover the old one (like cutting and pasting the old fashioned way) and the second one was substituting one word with another that was as long as the original or slightly longer, but not much longer so it wouldn't disrupt the timeline. (Whatever that means). It was a visual exercise.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #519
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    A lot of dreaming last night

    Three dreams in a row, my recall is not so great on the second and third one.
    I was in a house similar to the house I grew in. In this one, the symbology is obvious.
    I was in the back of the house, and saw a snake come in. It 'kind of' looked like a cobra, but I never saw a hood. I wanted to warn the occupants of the house (my family, but they were not all the same people I'm related to) that there was a snake in the house. I wanted to stay with it (but not too close to it) and go tell people about it. This caused confusion in my movement. The snake started moving up the hallway and I started yelling at everyone that the snake was coming to where 'they' were. The snake continued advancing and eventually reached the front room. In this front room there was a young boy, shaped like a toddler but around four feet tall. It was a 'gigantic' toddler. The snake jumped up at him and started to attack him. I couldn't rescue him because there was an invisible barrier between us. Like invisible boxes. I screamed and screamed and I could see the snake's huge fangs trying to bite him (but not succeeding). Then my mother, younger than I'm used to, jumped into the scene and peeled the snake off the boy, and at this point I woke up.

    I got up, and did my usual middle-of the night rounds (bathroom, water), walked around, saw it was lightning (but not thunder, it was far away) then went back to bed.
    Another dream, this time there was a snake in the house (our house) and it was trying to bite my son. I again tried to intercept it but again was held back, and this time I could see a little rattle on the snake. This one was a bit smaller, but still very big. He fought it, and eventually the snake went away, and the dream turned into other dreams then.

    The dreams after that: I was in a house that had some sort of furniture that was 'haunted' and kept rearranging itself a certain way. There was something 'wrong' with one of the pieces, it was one of those 'tudor' pieces that look like it belongs on a little girl's room, but there was something 'wrong' with it, some kind of witchcraft. I was the only one who could see that. The dream then transitioned situationally, if not geographically- it had to do with the family business and my having to go to a meeting to deal with two men, one a relative, the other a lawyer, and a crazy woman, who was trying to force us to cash a savings bond she had brought in to our 'store'. She spoke disjointedly and made no sense. I tried to speak with her, and realized she was incoherent. We refused, and she was very offended, insisting it was her signature on the check/bond, and eventually left when I nixed the transaction. The 'lawyer' (in the dream, may have been my animus) said we didn't have to accept anything we didn't think was on the up and up. Even though she was insistent we accept it, she finally relented when I said no, and she finally went away. I then woke up, a few seconds before it was time to get up, but when I tried to get 'back there', the alarm went off.

    Later on in the morning my husband dreamed there was 'something' trying to get in the house and I was trying to keep it away. He woke up, creeped out, and needed to walk around to calm down again.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #520
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    Re: My dream diary

    Horrible dream about shooting in intersections. Only am recording it for recordkeeping purposes, and the fact that I experienced from a high vantage point, as if I were looking at it from the top of a very high platform, while moving.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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