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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #551
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    Re: My dream diary

    Last night there were lots of dreams, the two I remember better was one in which my mother, who looked like she was thirty, said something like 'you should have the house under the corporation, so that when the AC breaks you can afford to fix it'. I'm not sure what this means, I'm not sure I knew it in the dream either.
    Later on there was a scene in which there were people around an ambulance, like a disaster, but there were people with rifles that were executing some survivors, because some 'had witnessed' something wrong. I was on a gurney playing dead, and had astral vision, so I could see when people would look at me, and I'd hold my breath for as long as they looked, and I'd breathe when they were looking elsewhere. At some point some lady was executed in front of me, and I tried not to react. Later on the real rescuers arrived and I got up and told them what I had seen.
    There were other types of disaster dreams, I get the feeling it had to do with earthquakes, but it's pretty jumbled.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #552

    Re: My dream diary

    That was a terrible dream. I guess I would see those events as symbolic
    in some kind of way, but exactly how, would depend on the life
    situation I would be in.

  3. #553
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    Re: My dream diary

    Quote Originally Posted by PauliEffect View Post
    That was a terrible dream. I guess I would see those events as symbolic
    in some kind of way, but exactly how, would depend on the life
    situation I would be in.
    Welcome to my mind, lol.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #554
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    Re: My dream diary

    Various dreams, combined. My old job had been moved to where I grew up, and they had built the place in the same spot where my house was. So even though the place was new, it was where my house once was. I talked about this with my co-workers, but they kind of ignored me. Then I slipped into a recurring theme- I'm working on a piece of equipment given to me by my old boss. I find it and proceed to troubleshoot it. The scene melts into another, in which we are in some sort of carnival or park. The same people (coworkers) from the first scene are there, we are in some sort of a ride or float, and I see there is a man in the back which I had a restraining order against. This is a new element possibly related to a TV show I was watching. There is another woman that is either having trouble with him or is a self aspect (I believe at some point in the dream I am her, and am interacting with this man in some way. At some point my husband and son are in this part, but they are somehow separated from the action, as if they were in another section of the room. Some other stuff happens which I've forgotten and I wake. I look at the alarm clock and see I still have two minutes before it goes off, so I close my eyes and am immediately in a scene in which I can see a scene, and someone is telling me that this is a dictionary of nonphysical meanings to communications received from np characters.
    I see the first page and in script it ways:
    "Hanging Loose"~ And the description says that it means being dead. So in np slang, hanging loose means being dead, because they got loose of their physical bodies.
    Then the alarm went off.
    I wonder if I'm going to get 'a meaning a day'.

    ps. The man in the dream isn't anyone I've ever seen, although he kind of resembles the actor Zachary Quinto. The boss is someone who exists in my past, but the coworkers and the man are not.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #555
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    Re: My dream diary

    A combo of dreams, may have been part of the same dream. First I was helping to move my mom from one apt. to another, cleaning up her stuff and moving it to another, and then we were in the new apt. helping her get acclimated. In the move I lost lucidity and started doing things in sleepwalking fashion and other characters (critical and in-charge characters) were introduced, and I kept trying to function, not well or lucidly. There was a back and forth between those dreams, but they were not clear.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #556
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    My old job again

    I had an extremely significant dream this morning and am writing this to see if I can draw it out. I remembered once more when I attempted to take a nap but it left my brain the second I woke up. I'm going to sit here until it comes back up.

    Amazing. It came back.
    I was back at the job I used to have (2 jobs ago, I've always considered the best job I ever had.) My old boss had me come in to see if I wanted to work there again.
    I came into a dream environment that is recurrent- the shop, people working on equipment, etc. I took a piece of equipment and started to work on it. (still recurrent). The part it needed, when I went to look for it, was made from platinum and was very expensive. This made no sense, it seemed like a trick to make the product be too expensive to assure it wouldn't sell. I was having some doubts about this when it became very late, I realized I'd been there too long, and it was nighttime. Everyone was still sitting there working, as if this were normal. When I asked, they said the company had decided the workday was ten hours, and you had to stay there for so many more- some people were forced to live there. I thought this was very wrong so I started to walk around to look for my boss to tell him I wouldn't want to work for a company like that. When I was looking for his office, I got lost and ended up in the women's bathroom, except that it had been rebuilt to house closets and storage for the people that had to live there. I started to get nervous, realized I 'had seen too much' and started going up a ladder in this place which went up to a hatch of some sort. Then I saw some people that were trying to get out, and when they followed the exit signs they were directed to a 'false exit' - the hatches were sealed and people were forced to stay there. In the 'bathroom' there were couches and TV sets, people were expected to 'live' there. So I went back to where I was, and retraced my steps, and I saw my boss, and told him I had to think about it, and got out the door, the same door I had come in.

    Now I get out, but I have no car and am not sure how to get back home. I see some sort of 'lark', those little vehicles that you ride on, but very slow- almost like a wheelchair. So I get on one of those and start driving away, get in the highway, scared but realizing I couldn't walk my way home, I didn't know where to go but on the highway they'd be roadsigns (it was nighttime, remember) so I get on, and see that a lot of people that had been riding the thing I'm riding have been killed by people in regular cars, and I see that some of them are running the people on larks over on purpose, because they go too slow. So I pull over and decide to walk on the side of the road, afraid that if I stay on the road I'll get run over, when I see two people in a car that work in this place (IRL they were coworkers of mine that stayed in the place I used to work in, even after they were bought out by another company) so I ask if could ride with them, and they acted weird- the man said they had to go back at a certain time but the woman (who I'm friends with) kind of let me know that they were escaping and had no plans to go back, and kind of convinced him to let me get in the car. I could see there was stuff in the car, like appliances or something, and I woke up. Not sure if I was going to get in the car or not.
    Last edited by CFTraveler; 21st January 2013 at 10:57 PM. Reason: had to input it in parts
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #557
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    Re: My dream diary

    There was something about a building we were living in, and someone from 'outside' complaining that they didn't like the sounds our new black cat was making. He was adorable and inside, and I wondered why whoever this person was had to try to interfere in our lives, when my cat wasn't really making noise, and he had never seen him.
    In reality I don't have a black cat, but this cat was beautiful, like a small panther, and I was very happy with him.
    I then woke up with a cough, got up to take care of it, and then went back to bed, freezing and uncomfortable. Then I projected to my son's room. I suspect I was worried it was cold and wondered if he was covered up. The OBE is in the OBE journal.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #558
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    Re: My dream diary

    There was something about a purple screwdriver that was attached to my hand, a hardware store and an old family acquaintance in which I had some issues years ago. Basically I was going to do something with this tool, it somehow got lost despite it being attached to my hand, and people came out of the woodwork telling me to change the tool, but I knew it was the right one. Then this person showed up and se had some sort of significant conversation but I still didn't completely trust her but at least we had a talk. Then I found the missing tool again and I proceeded to find the thing this tool was supposed to fix. Eventually I went to fix it and my husband woke me up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #559
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    Re: My dream diary

    Two nights ago there were various themes in a nightmare that I didn't want to record, so I'll just give general descriptions:
    1- The theme of rejection, an old boss who gave me a toy that was filled with biting insects.
    2- The desire to get to the beach, and my inability to get in and surf, the monsters that try to prevent me from doing so, at one point I get to the water and am attacked by a man with a shark head. I shout at him "You lost, I'm already in the water". I wake up, (my husband woke me up) and I tried to get in the dream again to go into the surf, but I have to get up.

    Last night I had some dreams, but they were 'regular', and atm I don't remember them.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #560
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    Re: My dream diary

    I don't remember what I was dreaming, but I woke up in a dream in which I was in a college setting and I was walking along with a friend of mine. I started to go to sleep and as I did I started to float, so she took me by the hand and led me along the path as I dozed. I was telling her how wonderful this felt-I could feel the air going around me, caressing me as I floated like a balloon while she walked holding me. Then at some point she let me go and I started to go upwards.
    The theme of me floating upwards and panicking that I will float uncontrollably away is a recurring one, and I usually panic and wake up, but this time I simply pointed myself down and dove down to where my friend was, still walking along the path. I could see the rooftops and treetops around, and wondered how I could have been afraid of this, since I was in control. Then I dove down to the floor and gently landed, being proud that I didn't crash-land, and was woken up by the alarm clock. Not happy about it, it was a wonderful dream.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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