A few days ago I had downloaded the (free!) instructions on how to do EFT...


I had tried using it without much effect.

Last night as I lay asleep I decided to try inducing a trance. I thought over the methods I had used in the past. While trying to decide which of them I would use, an idea came to me...

Why not using NEW to do EFT I figured it couldn't hurt...

Well, it didn't. I must admit that the mechanics of using NEW to do tapping on the EFT points while trying to induce a trance was a bit strange. But WOW

I suppose that if I were the sort of person who can undergo an OBE, it would have pushed me over the precipice. I did feel very light -- almost floating.

But today I feel Fantastic! I always do, of course, feel fantastic. But today seems special.

Who knows where this could lead