In trying to clear myself out with core image removal, the concept of Jesus' injunction to turn the other cheek has given me some trouble. I would like to know what your take is on the meaning of his words. I know to turn away from a fight, I know to let the little things go, but I don't think I can keep being a doormat for too long before I explode. Kindness, compassion and understanding dont always work and experience has shown me that offering the other cheek for slapping often only invites another slap - I just don't see how this works well for either party. I was raised Christian and don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater since I believe that Jesus' words have profound insights yet I still struggle with anger at what I perceive to be unfair and unjust and why I should not use force when other peaceful means just don't cut it. Anger at injustice keeps coming up as a theme in my core images and I just can't seem to work this out.

Thanks for any advice