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Thread: Copy: About Suicide

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Fallout Zone

    Question Copy: About Suicide

    What's your opinion on suicide? What would happen to those who willingly take their own life after death? Will they be forced to watch the pain of their family and relatives and suffer or can they completely close their eyes and go away? Will there be any punishment for those who suicide?
    Light has no meaning without darkness, without chaos there is no order.

  2. #2
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    ...I'm sorry but I don't wish to have any stalkers.

    Re: About Suicide

    I think that suicide is a bit overrated. First of all it's not easy to do it as many people believe.
    Ultimately I think that suicide is just another way of dying. I'm not saying that it's not sad....all death are sad if you let them be. But I think this one got special attention because contrary to other deaths this one is one that you do to yourself.

    The only time where I would be against suicide is if the person had a family that needed him/her.

    You know if I get old, I'm on a wheel chair and need somebody's help just to poop.. SCREW THAT IM OUT !

    PS. I assume no responsibility for any suicides that involve individuals in similar conditions to the ones I just described.

  3. #3
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    Re: Copy: About Suicide

    Suicide is a real bad deal....there is a pretty good book on suicide and the afterlife.Suicide: What Really Happens in the Afterlife? by Jon Klimo and Pamela Rae

    According to the (most) literature. No there is no punishment as the otherside is all about love and understanding but there are Plenty heavy repercussions a person is going to face and significant karma issues, limitations, plus the shame and sadness for throwing away a valuable and difficult to obtain physical incarnation given for all important spiritual development. Inaddition the dread of having to face it All again when the person comes back next time, because a problem not overcome is a problem that dosnt go away.
    I sent my soul through the Invisible. Some letter of that After-life to spell: And by and by my Soul returned to me and answered. "I Myself am Heaven and Hell." - Omar Kayyam

  4. #4
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    Re: Copy: About Suicide

    Suicide is a gross misunderstanding of material reality. It can only exist in a materialist culture where we are cut off from or rather ignore our own higher nature.

    If I was to go ice-skating, but when I got to the ice-skating rink I decided to take a sword and chop off both my feet, then clearly I have failed to understand the value and idea of "skating".

    And so when we decide to kill "ourselves", we can do so only in ignorance for two reasons:

    *What was never born can never die

    *Your "self" does not die, no energy "dies" but transforms from one state to another

    Suicide often happens when we are over-identified with body consciousness, and see ourselves as alone in a cold, hostile, meaningless chaotic universe.

    If you feel you live in a safe universe, that your life has deep meaning, that you are living on purpose, and valued and loved and ESSENTIAL to the universe, and life, then you would never even consider "suicide".

    Having said that, I was close to suicide at several times in my life and in my view it is (mostly) the by-product of a materialist world view, although some cultures have sadly ritualised the behaviour since antiquity (such as Japan).

    There is indeed, no "punishment" for suicides, for any such punishment would be of your own beliefs, and if you so strongly believe in punishment, and a wrathful god, then such a "drama" would play out for your convenience on the "other side", but only for so long, and then a helpful friend may tap you on the metaphorical shoulder (or perhaps more forceful but friendly kick in the butt) and say "okay, enough of that, lets move on".

    I can call suicide a "mistake", but that is still a label or judgement.

    Perhaps, to use different less loaded terms, imagine you are going to a school, lets say a pre-school of sorts.

    Now, to pass this school you have certain "tests" of the topics you have chosen to study, and until you master them, you are not going to skip from pre-school to higher education without learning the lessons YOU have chosen for yourself.

    Would you trust a mechanic who had not completed his or her studies to look after your vehicle?

    Would you want a surgeon to perform on you who had skipped basic hygiene and sanitation lessons?
    “Vision without action is daydream.
    Action without vision is nightmare.”
    —Japanese Proverb

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: Copy: About Suicide

    Thanks for all the answers, out of your answers @John Sorensen provided the best. I'd appreciate if others could tell their opinions also.
    Light has no meaning without darkness, without chaos there is no order.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Copy: About Suicide

    Quote Originally Posted by Reav3R View Post
    Thanks for all the answers, out of your answers @John Sorensen provided the best. I'd appreciate if others could tell their opinions also.
    Hi Reav3R,
    My oppinion about suicise is that it is pitty if the person does feel suicide some kind of solution to his/her problems, the only solution is to live through the problems and try to find a genuine want to understand life, and understand the purose why he/her are here is not to take her/his life, but to understand it self beyond the body.
    It must be very hard to find out that it did not solve anything, and it must be hard to carry the knowing to have blown a big opportunity to really understand by living the hard conditions of earthly life, it will for sure develop the soul nearer to make it back home to oneness.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
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  7. #7
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    Re: Copy: About Suicide

    Suicide is a profoundly complex, personal and sensitive topic. I think religious thought and dogma about any topic is also very complex, subjective, and sensitive.

    In my opinion, - again, my opinion -it would be a great cruelty - evil - to so punish a soul that is hurting, so wounded, that life had no longer been worth living. In my opinion - the dogma of hellfire, some Dante like consequence for suicide and sin in general- is a cultural projection. It is scapegoating. A defense mechanism. Not the Truth with a capitol T. It is fear.

  8. #8
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    Re: Copy: About Suicide

    I don't have an opinion, except that never want to have to contemplate it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #9
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    Re: Copy: About Suicide

    The opinion I'm going to share is not on the topic of suicide, per se, but on the topic of people who insist they "know what happens" to those who commit suicide, or who do this, or that, or any other thing. This has been bugging me for a while, and I'm going to rant about it. NOTE: I am not applying this to any specific person or persons, though I am kinda looking at organised religion (all of them), but not only at that.

    IMHO, what people are stating when they claim to know exactly what happens "in the afterlife" is just their belief, based on their interpretations of any number of things. Mystical visions, maybe, dogma, cultural bias, all kinds of things contribute to beliefs. And when we really believe something, well, for us it's truth. Is it truth for everyone? I certainly hope not, given some of the ridiculous nonsense some people sincerely believe and even preach!

    I don't think there is any way to know what will or will not happen to anyone else in any real or imagined afterlife. Your own experience? Yes, it's entirely possible, I suspect, to get an idea for and about yourself, because it's all about you, your beliefs, your worldview, etc. But how could you (or anyone) know what will or won't be happening to me tomorrow around mid-afternoon? If that's difficult to predict or know, how on earth could anyone know what will or won't be happening to me or anyone else once we die?

    The point of this rant is basically this: nobody knows. At least, nobody knows as far as YOU are concerned. For themselves, sure, maybe they have a good idea. Maybe they even know, or believe they know. And maybe they sincerely believe they know for every soul on the planet, because their dogma or visions or cultural training tells them they do. But until you have some direct experience of your own (and it is possible to get direct answers, though I don't recommend dying to find out ), it's all just pure speculation, particularly when it's someone else deciding (or "knowing") what's in store for others.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  10. #10
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    Re: Copy: About Suicide

    Madame C. sees you eating a yummy lunch, maybe with a good book next to you.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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