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Thread: Question regarding tracing awareness.

  1. #1
    akashic610 Guest

    Question regarding tracing awareness.

    I have picked up Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce, as I am greatly interested in OBE's, energy development, and similar things. I'm on chapter 9. I was doing the part where you focus on your left knee, but rather than scratching, I just felt my astral hands rubbing my knee. Then I jumped to my right knee, then my right toe, then my left toe. My question is, since I literally just started this last night, should I get the typical energy sensations you describe in these areas? I'll try to describe what this felt like to me last night: I let my feeling awareness feel of my left knee and all of its features until I was aware of nothing but my left knee. I don't know if I could actually feel energy or not, but I couldn't feel/be aware of any other body part nearly as much as my left knee. When I moved to my right knee, it was hard at first to put my awareness to it cause I still had so much "feeling" in my left knee. But as I let my feeling awareness feel of my right knee for some time, I started to feel the same thing as I was feeling in my left knee. The thing is, the awareness feeling didn't really go away in my left knee, even though as I worked on my right knee my awareness became strong in that area too. So it was as if my awareness was in both my left and right knee at the same time. is this right? The same thing with the right and left toe. Even as I stopped working on my right toe and moved to the left one, my awareness never really left the right even though I was gaining just as strong of an awareness in my left.

    Also, when will I be ready to move onto the tracing awareness? This is the very next exercise described after the one I just talked about in chapter 9.

  2. #2
    Sunkencity Guest

    It is completely normal to be able to split your awareness in that fashion. When you are doing your awareness exercises, you're stimulating the energy body. That feeling of your "awareness" still being there sounds a lot like the way an "activated" (for lack of a better word) part of the energy body feels. When you've gotten further along, you're entire energetic body will feel this way after your opening exercises. It sounds like your doing fine at this exercise, and you should definitely keep moving forward. Imho, it is best to not stick to one exercise for an inordinate amount of time. Give each one time to bear fruit, and move on. Just make sure you bring the previously learned skills forward with you. This way, should there be one practice that doesn't work for you personally, you don't stifle all of your progress. Metaphysical work is a multi-faceted thing.

    Hope this helps. Best of luck.=)

  3. #3
    akashic610 Guest
    I'm having trouble tracing awareness though. What I mean by this is, for example, tracing awareness from thumb to shoulder, or tow to hip. It feels like the awareness goes in segments rather than concentrated tracing, feeling every inch of the way. Do I just need to keep practicing?

  4. #4
    Sunkencity Guest
    Just keep practicing. That's the only way to develop your awareness in those more quiet sections of your energy body. Should you have blockages that are preventing energetic flow, continuing your tracing awareness excercise will help you work through them. Keep at it, you're doing fine!

  5. #5
    akashic610 Guest
    Do you know what I mean by the awareness being "segmented" rather than feeling every inch of the way of the tracing? Is that normal to only be able to focus it that much at first?

  6. #6
    Sunkencity Guest
    I do. If there were a train track running up your arm, it would feel as if segments are missing. This is completely normal, don't be alarmed or discouraged. This segment of your development will pass quickly.

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