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Thread: A lesson about trance (theta state)

  1. #1
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    A lesson about trance (theta state)

    This happened the night before last night.

    I had a vivid dream in the morning, like a computer game, ongoing, many changes of perspective, with a ninja as lead character. Invisibility spells, monsters, etc. That was clearly a dream, and I woke up afterward.

    But during the night I had this kind of dream that is most likely happening in a teaching environment - like the "astral discussion group" I vaguely remember discussing energy work (which immediately woke me up waking the projection reflex). This time I think I was being instructed - I was told about tranceing.

    I remember little, but what I remember I do because it struck me as odd. I remember the topic was thetawaves. On the scale from deep sleep to waking consciousness delta is most deep, then comes theta if I remember correctly. So I was told about thetawaves.

    Then I found myself in a state like the coloured blobs you get before going to sleep. But this time the blobs formed into a circle with - IIRC - a hole in the middle. I don't know the significance of this. Does this induce the theta state? Does this happen to some when inducing theta from a waking consciousness? I don't know.

    I just know I remembered afterward what was said on Centerpointe's introduction to Holosync: The meditator enters deeper into these states, and that the bringing on of the Theta state is a deepening of meditation, and finally in Delta everything starts to resolve on its own. So I guess I'm progressing, but I have not fully grasped what the dream meant - can I go deeper now or is this the clue I need to deeper?

    I like these "dreams that are more than dreams". My recollection of them is hazy, but they carry great importance for me.


  2. #2
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    Re: A lesson about trance (theta state)

    Google Search for "theta meditation circle":

    Back to the genesis of the name ThetaWaves: research upon the base word Theta on Wikipedia (oh, Wikipedia, how I love thee, let me count the ways!) returns the following fascinating information:

    Theta (uppercase Θ, lowercase θ) is the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet, derived from the Phoenician letter Teth. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 9. In its archaic form, theta was written as a cross within a circle, and later, as a line or point within a circle.

    According to Porphyry of Tyros, the Egyptians used an X within a circle as a symbol of the soul; having a value of nine, it was used as a symbol for Ennead. Johannes Lydus says that the Egyptians used a symbol for Kosmos in the form of theta, with a fiery circle representing the world, and a snake spanning the middle representing Agathos Daimon (literally: good spirit).

    The Egyptians also used the symbol of a point within a circle (, the sun disc) to represent the sun, which might be a possible origin of its use as the Sun's astrological glyph.

    Maybe there was something inside the circle. Maybe the circle was broken.


  3. #3
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    Re: A lesson about trance (theta state)

    I remember having sometimes seen a colored circle with a hole in it - not necessarily in meditation. One time I can recall it was in bright neon pink (aura / blob color).


  4. #4
    Mystikal Guest

    Re: A lesson about trance (theta state)

    I often see the blobs form a ring, which shrinks into nothingness, followed by another forming around the edge of my vision and shrinking again, and so on... kind of like moving backwards through a tunnel. I also feel subtle waves of energy washing through my forehead/third eye area, possibly the front of my brain, in tune with the ring. But a still ring... I don't know about that.

    P.S. Colored blobs? All I ever see are very faint, slightly yellowish ones...

  5. #5
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    Re: A lesson about trance (theta state)

    Hello, Mystikal.

    I think that is just a visual cortex representation of brain waves. I see them every time I go into an alpha state light trance. Wavering, circl-ish lines that come from the back into my field of vision and vanish into the front. I had them as child, and with energy work I noticed them more often, for example when falling asleep or in trance.

    My first near-OBE I had on my first encounter with the Focus 10 intro by Monroe. As the signal rose suddenly these waving circles sped by faster, and it was like I was lifted upward into them. I panicked.

    The other waves I sometimes have, too. Also in trance energy work. Pulsations that spread through my inner vision field, with a sensation of expansion. Like a sudden "whoosh" and then they were gone - just recurring pulses. Those are nice.

    What I mean with the pink blob and other blobs was that sometimes I saw something like an after-image arise, in the neon-pink color not untypical of an after-image / aura color. It was a circle with a hole in it, IIRC. Upon investigating such phenomena I often lost my calm or playful mood, and then such things vanish. Mild, playful interest seems to be a very good state to investigate such stuff.


  6. #6
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    Re: A lesson about trance (theta state)

    Quote Originally Posted by K
    (oh, Wikipedia, how I love thee, let me count the ways!)

    Quote Originally Posted by M
    I often see the blobs form a ring, which shrinks into nothingness, followed by another forming around the edge of my vision and shrinking again, and so on... kind of like moving backwards through a tunnel. I also feel subtle waves of energy washing through my forehead/third eye area, possibly the front of my brain, in tune with the ring. But a still ring... I don't know about that.
    Quote Originally Posted by K
    Wavering, circl-ish lines that come from the back into my field of vision and vanish into the front. I had them as child, and with energy work I noticed them more often, for example when falling asleep or in trance.
    Those sound a lot like my 'recurring hypnagogics' as I call them (btw, they're not hypnagogics, but at the time I named them I didn't know any better) which is an image of a drop (4 or 5 by now) falling on a liquid field and waves forming around them. Tom theorized them as 'nectar' drops in meditation (don't remember which kind of cosmology).
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #7
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    Re: A lesson about trance (theta state)

    Nothing like that. Nothing like a drop about it. Maybe we don't see the same thing?

    Just a form - closed like a circle, but not a circle. It comes into the field of vision from behind and shrinks into the field of vision at front. I had them as child, I have them now. They are bluish, IIRC.

    I still think it is just what the visual cortex does to represent brain waves when starting to turn inward. Alpha is a pretty slow wave already. If accounting for the shift of time that happens in states of trance, seeing one per perceived second or less might be about right.

    I have them pre-sleep. They don't look like anything but "electrical geometric forms", in auric colors.


  8. #8
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    Re: A lesson about trance (theta state)

    I don't mean the 'same thing' - I meant in the sense that we both see a non-hypnagogic mobile shape (yours radiates inward, mine radiates outward) in moments of quiet (in the dark) meditation, and they are recurrent. Yours are 'yours' and mine are 'mine'. I have theorized that mine is some sort of physical thing I haven't found any reference to (except for Tom's info) and yours may be the same 'type' of 'manifestation', for lack of a better term.
    Mine is in pink-on pink, like a picture negative. But come to think of it, I can see mine in the daytime now although when I first started seeing it I had to be in trance (or quiet for at least 10-20 minutes.)
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #9
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    Re: A lesson about trance (theta state)

    Mine come "from the back" and vanish out of sight in front of me.

    Imagining going backwards through a tunnel is somewhat apt, with some glowing edges disappearing in front of you. They are closed circles, but their shapes waver and wrinkle up. I thought everybody has that.


  10. #10
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    Re:A lesson about trance (theta state)

    Like this (attached image).


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