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Thread: Astral Experiment

  1. #1
    Kronusx77 Guest

    Astral Experiment

    Hello everyone,

    I was just listening to an archive of Albert Taylor on Coast to Coast with Art Bell and he was discussing the ability to pull people out of their bodies. I thought it would be interesting if some experienced projectors might want to experiment with this a little for people willing to participate. If it ends up working and perhaps the ability gets honed we could help people to cross that difficult threshold of finally getting out. We could make some rough guidelines such as the person to be pulled out being knowledgeable on the exit symptoms and basic theories of astral projection to avoid the fear barrier and increase the probability of working. I myself am still having trouble exiting which is why im interested in this concept. At the moment i can get myself into deep trance rather quickly and have experienced heavy exit symptoms but due to my inability to keep my mind completely clear and focused (or calm as it were) i end up overthinking and ruin the attempt. I know i will get out on my own eventually with time and patience but this would be an interesting experience if it worked! Anyway, this may have been proposed before but let me know what you guys think and if there are any experienced projectors that would like to participate in this little study with me then let me know and we can set something up.


  2. #2
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    Aug 2005
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    Re: Astral Experiment
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    star Guest

    Re: Astral Experiment

    I've been able to mental project beyond my current abilities with the help of others - but I can't get anyone to help me astral project in the way you mentioned. They are worried that it might hurt or kill me, or anyone else for that matter.

    I don't know any better though so it just seems like somehting to be concious of.

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