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Thread: Flapping with my arms and flying

  1. #1

    Flapping with my arms and flying

    This is something that usually occurs in my dreams..

    In the past when I dreamt about being near a forest not so far from here in reality I used to climb up the mountain and then I would move forward and flap my arms very quickly, I would gain height then I would glide along the landscape. To regain height I would flap quicker and quicker.

    It's a really amazing experience and is an excellent option for running away from harm specially if there is cliff or similar that the perpetrators won't be able to cross.

    Recently I had a weird dream about a home invasion.

    I remember being at a restaurant and I gained interest of an asian girl in front of me sitting at another table. I approached her, we made contact but suddenly I felt as if something was not right. I don't remember everything perfectly. But I remember seeing these "suburb" guys like they thought I was a problem for them. I walked out on the street and could see these people surrounding and approaching me. I wen't into the nearby stores and the suburb guys had taken people hostages and they were observing me. This took place in a busy city and I tried to get out of this area quickly and suddenly some guys got into a Volvo combi and started following me. I reached a height with a downward slope in front of me so I choose to start flapping my arms and glide forwards. I could see the Volvo driving down the slope to my left but as I touched down on the ground I panicked a bit as I felt that I could probably not get airborne again. It's difficult to keep oneself airborne for a long time. I ran up the next slope, did the flapping thing again and I reached a helicopter platform with an helicopter on it. I took control of the helicopter and flew to my apartment. Once inside the apartment these suburb guys were around the apartment and could be seen walking outside the windows. They finally got in and I had to isolate them by closing doors around me. One of the guys tried to remove the door between the hall and the kitchen as I tried to turn the key in the second lock. It seems that he finally figured out a way to remove the door despite it being locked two times. That's where the dream ended.
    El Shaddai Elokim Tetragrammaton

    אני מי שאני

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Flapping with my arms and flying

    Hello, reptoidoverlord.

    Flapping your arms is usually a phase in developing other styles of flying, at least Robert Waggoner in his "Lucid Dreaming" book tends to think so.

    I think the dream developed as it did because you tried to run from your fears. This how the chase developed. You're erecting barriers (the door, the locks) for not having to confront the fear, but that is breaking down.

    Maybe the "suburb" guys are subconscious fears. Also if home is self, as it often is, then the crowd trying to break into your home might be fear in your conscious mind of subconscious processes you cannot control. The subconscious is often represented as basement or lower level, but maybe here the idea of "neighboorhood" plays into it - it is a different area of the mind, a different neighbourhood, another place which you not feel at home with.

    Do you have issues related to getting in touch with other people or girls? Note how the fear/chase situation developed from making contact - and then you suddenly felt something was not right. This might be a clue to the root of the fear.


  3. #3
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    Oklahoma USA
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    Re: Flapping with my arms and flying

    Quote Originally Posted by Reptoidoverlord
    I remember being at a restaurant and I gained interest of an asian girl in front of me sitting at another table. I approached her, we made contact but suddenly I felt as if something was not right. I don't remember everything perfectly. But I remember seeing these "suburb" guys like they thought I was a problem for them. I walked out on the street and could see these people surrounding and approaching me. I wen't into the nearby stores and the suburb guys had taken people hostages and they were observing me. This took place in a busy city and I tried to get out of this area quickly and suddenly some guys got into a Volvo combi and started following me. I reached a height with a downward slope in front of me so I choose to start flapping my arms and glide forwards. I could see the Volvo driving down the slope to my left but as I touched down on the ground I panicked a bit as I felt that I could probably not get airborne again. It's difficult to keep oneself airborne for a long time. I ran up the next slope, did the flapping thing again and I reached a helicopter platform with an helicopter on it. I took control of the helicopter and flew to my apartment. Once inside the apartment these suburb guys were around the apartment and could be seen walking outside the windows. They finally got in and I had to isolate them by closing doors around me. One of the guys tried to remove the door between the hall and the kitchen as I tried to turn the key in the second lock. It seems that he finally figured out a way to remove the door despite it being locked two times. That's where the dream ended.
    I'll have some fun with this before reading Korpo's take. First of all, you're in a restaurant, a collective unconscious arena. You’ve connected with an exotic female (idea). Here come the status-quo police - mustn’t have any like this going on in River City. You dodge them but your occult skills are still unproven and you resort to the helio-copter - the center of yourself and manage to get away. Still they break through you defenses.

    You awake, uncertain if the course you’ve taken is acceptable.

    Now let’s see what Oliver was thinking.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  4. #4
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    Re: Flapping with my arms and flying

    I'm not so deeply psychological I guess - Oliver reads a good deal more than I would think of.

    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  5. #5

    Re: Flapping with my arms and flying

    Thank you for your replies.

    Yes I have some fears I need to deal with but It's nothing really serious. I've been a bit afraid lately that girls would reject me during or right before a relationship. I've been without a girl for some time and It's a bit frustrating. At home my mother often reminds of several things to avoid burglary. In this area burglary rarely happens but the situation has been a bit unstable in this country lately. The economy has recovered but there is much problem with foreigners. I've been a bit afraid going out to these heavy segregated suburbian areas. I've been in some and not noticed much problem but I've heard some nasty things from others (robbery, drugs, rape, murder, shootings - it happens once in a while).
    El Shaddai Elokim Tetragrammaton

    אני מי שאני

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