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Thread: How do i consult my guide?

  1. #1

    How do i consult my guide?

    How can I meet up with my guide? Is it something I should meditate on or just ask once I get oob? Should I expect to actually see a person? Can I only enter the astral planes when ready/ allowed or is it something I have control over?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
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    Re: How do i consult my guide?

    There are so many ways yet it all depends on who we are and what suits us best. I can't speak for everyone but I can tell you what worked for me. Then you'll have to try what you feel comfortable with, you'll have to listen to what your intuition tells you...

    As for myself, I see it like building any relationship, one step at a time, little by little, and the ties become stronger over time as long as one nurtures them. In other words, perhaps some steps should not be skipped. But again, maybe that was only relevant in my case.

    At the beginning, I spent an entire year simply asking questions (that were important to me) and looking for anwers through synchronicity events. I would ask for easy-to recognize signs since I wasn't sure if I would be skilled enough to recognise something more refined and crypted. I did get some quite straightforward answers at first. And that was enough for me back then.I felt fulfilled just by knowing that there really was someone or some force answering my questions!

    But then I wanted to go further. I wrote letters for some time, then spent time chatting in «meditations», sending gratitude, sending love, then opened to receive «feedback» little by little. I also used tools such as the tarot and the pendulum. This was an amazing period of discovery.

    Communication through tarot worked especially well for me, and still do... It is so simple and one doesn't need special skills to do so, since all one has to do is to learn the «language», may it be at a basic level at first. I simply put myself in a positive, joyful and loving mindset through a short meditation before I get started. I do a serie of simple quick spreads. Nothing laborious. I either ask questions or let my guide bring the topics.

    Dreams are also a great mean of communication for me. When I ask for something, I often get a related dream...Not always though, and a guide is not always going to show up. I started meeting guides more frequently in my dreams and «other experiences» only recently...

    My bottom line would be this:
    All one has to do is to ask.
    Do knock on the door... And have faith that you'll be answered
    One may need to be patient though.. But again,it all depends on who you are and what suits you!

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