Hi All,

I'm new and wanted to say hello, also posting a few positive experiences, the first in years. I have a question at the bottom as well.


I've been living in a house with multiple entities for the past five years. This has been a harmless haunting, save minor annoyances now and then, but one year ago something hostile worked itself in to the mix. After spending countless hours searching on how to deal with this, I finally came across Robert's book.

Here's the lowdown on what's going on:

1. For the first time in almost one year, after just chapter 1, my bed has stopped shaking every night. Thank God. Thank every being of light in existence. You know what this means once you get to this point. I'm going on three weeks of restful sleep. I almost want to cry.

2. Still fighting my neg(s), although I've gone guerrilla and don't even talk much about it to anyone anymore. If I can here, good, but I'm learning to avoid anything that gives it/them an upper hand, even for five minutes.

3. No more snakebite marks on my head each morning, or at least, rarely now.

Thank you, Robert. Thank you.

Here's what I'm doing:

1. Sleeping with a grounding sheet I got on Amazon.
2. Sleeping with the computer anti-static wrist band attached to a ground in my outlet by bed - same ground the sheet uses.
3. Lots of incense, oils, Tibetan monk mp3 chanting...all the goodness.
4. Beginning focused meditation and energy work. My first night was a blast, although I think I overdid it and wound up tossing and turning most of the night because I felt so wired. I hope this is a good sign.

Much more to say, but this is just a hello, so I'll get to my question:

1. Since I've begun this stuff (only 3 weeks, mind you), I've developed an rather odd ability. If there is lightening outside, I can close my eyes and "see" the lightening flashes--I can do this anywhere in the house, without any actual light coming through. This is NOT the same flash of light as ping, or other entity, this is actually me seeing the lightening (I can time the thunder by the intensity). Anyone else have this happen?

That's it. Best to all.
