Some of you may know that I am having a "dry spell" of OBEs for about almost two months. Recently, I have had several experinces of controlling the dreams.

What happens is that after I wake up, immediately, I start thinking about some thing, then I kind of fall asleep but I keep thinking about the same thing, the story would continue during the dream and then I wake up again, realize that my waking consciousness mixed up with my dreaming mind, but I continue thinking about the story and fall asleep again while I continue the story. Isn't it weird?

Now there are two types of story (dream) making that I noticed. The first type doesn't involve the mind eye, so even though I know I am dreaming, there is no vision. The second type is a bit deeper, so if in the story I am looking at some apples on a table, then I can see the apples.

Too bad, I didn't become lucid during the dreams. One of my friends said that my higher self or guide made me practice connecting different type of consciousness so that my OBEs (when I have them after the dry spell) can last longer.

I wonder if you guys had the similar experiences before?