Borderland Research (1): Near-Wake Vibes & Audio-Livestream Transcription Errors

I expect this to be an ongoing thing with more results coming in, so I see this as part one. My term "borderland research" can refer to two things: Primarily I refer to the range between waking state and trance state. But as this also has to do with the spectrum of dreams, hypnagogics or dream imaginery on the one side and lucid imagery / experiences (as simultaneous data flow from "the astral" as well as "the physical"!) on the other, one can view this as a secondary aspect of induced 'borderland' experience in the course of this experimentation. Since some degree of 'lucidity' is involved here I put this here instead of into my dream (programming project) threads, despite some of these experiences being also 'dreamed (=unlucid)' in a wider sense.

So... What am I doing? Well, first of all I do the same as before. I 'prime' myself for projection with 2-3 hours of sleep (varying), then get up from my bed and lay down on my 'projection couch' in the most uncomfortable position (for me!) - lying on my back with arms to the side (also called 'soldier' or even 'corpse' pose).

So far so already known, what's new is that I introduced now audio streams again. I use some monotonous lucid-dreaming sounds but I mixed them with a (low voice) personal affirmation repeated every 5-or-so seconds. These affirmations repeatedly produce now the first phenomenon which I talk about here and came to label as "audiostream transcription distortion".

Audio-Livestream Transcription Errors

This isn't actually sth new as it happened before when I used audio affirmations at night (mainly during my first year of practice, 2009-2010), I just never bothered to report on it so far. But since I use now the affirmations audio stream for some days, it repeats itself over and over again. Therefore I believe that (according to a personal 'semi-scientific' principle) this kind of almost controlled replication of a phenomenon is worth a mention now. Maybe some of you experienced similar things, too.

Perhaps, some of you might also already have read my most recent experience with an 'awakener' when a dream figure (or more) referred to an 'outside' sound from the physical, which was my lucid dreaming audios stream (still without the affirmations over it though).

This is a similar thing now, just with the added affirmations, plus it happens in dream and (semi-)lucid state.

Here are two examples:

In a dream some days ago, I am driving with a buddy of mine as a pillion passenger behind him on his motorcycle. He repeats the affirmation to me that is simultaneously playing in physical life in my bedroom. However, he 'mimicks' it simultaneously but uses different words completely, the meaning of which got lost for me (not remembered). This is what I refer to as 'audio-livestream transcription error'. The fact that I know and "hear" the affirmation although the words are changed is a lucid element - the fact that I instantly KNOW (while dreaming) that the words my buddy uses are NOT the correct ones even more!

The same tonight: I am experiencing dream imagery and am "hearing" the affirmation. But it is a different wording again. The rhythm is the same, but the accentuation is different. Thus I 'hear' another word.
And again: I am LUCID enough to KNOW that 1) this is the audiostream from the physical, and 2) this still cannot be right as the words are different. In the dream still I try to get the correction but I do not manage to do so. Then I get almost to the surface of near-awakeness and I put the right affirmation in (means: I hear the live stream), take it "with me" and 'delve down' deeper again into trance state again. I keep playing with it. Sometimes loosing the right wording and 'hearing' the wrong words again or even switching to and fro, still in a kind of trance-like, semi-lucid, hypnagogic or even dreamy state.

Of course, somehow this all is a failure since my objective for using the affirmation audio stream at night is to get lucid and / or induce exit, which did not (yet!) quite work. Still, it is a kind of interesting research for me.

The second phenomenon happened already to me a few months ago for the first time, which I did not mention here. Tonight it happened again like described below. I believe, it also has to do with this semi-lucid, near-wake state that is caused by the audiostream/affirmations:

Near-Wake Vibes

At one point I manage to induce (and partly control) vibrations. But something is different. My heart beats fast which is not the case when I'm normally in 'the state'. I also do not experience any kind of (physical or emotional) stress symptoms then but am completely trance-relaxed.
Not so this time! I feel the vibes but I also feel my heart beating faster and my body getting strained, as if 'giving birth' to vibrations under pressure. There is definitely a correlation. When I 'turn up' the vibes it also increases my heart beat. It seems like I kind of am 'cramping' it out (for lack of better expressions from a non-native speaker, but I hope you get the meaning).
Secondly, I do not manage to make an exit when I try to. I then try to roll out. But this time (and not as a false awakening!) I actually really roll my physical body only. I look at my hands then to do a reality check, I am really awake, the (forceful) vibrations gone.
Maybe I was already too near to the complete waking state so that no exit "into the astral" was possible anymore. Still, I experienced the vibrations the way as they always were, just accompanied by physical body symptoms of a less desirable kind.

Comments / Afterthoughts

Enough has been said to both phenomena above. Just let me repeat that I hope to learn more from this kind of interesting experments. Maybe it really helps me to learn to control ways of induction more when 'playing with(in)' and 'moving inside' these in-between states, which I hope will also lead to better and increased number of exits, in the long run.