Lunar Kundalini is a elemental aspect of kundalini that is higher in vibration to the other elemental aspects of
earth, water, fire and air.

Five of us experienced Lunar Kundalini this full moon of October 2011;

Lunar Kundalini descended from the crown through the body to the feet.To me this felt like a shaking turning plunger pushing gently into a sink drain and creating a suction and then an energy lifted up and pushed back down again.

Whenever that plunger effect was pulling back up out the energy centres sent out waves which were pulled away from the spine towards the outside of the body, along and upwards. This seemed like the tide being pulled by the moon.

This repeated a few times, until the rootball and tap root of the Tree of Life was fully "freed". And then a darkness is uplifted and pulled away and the body feels free and clean. This dirty wave of energy come up out of the crown

This was followed in a crescendo of downward light,which built up in intensity until a torrent radiated outward.This felt healing and calming.The soul feels exhilerated. And the vibration feels higher and lighter and healthier.

The spine of the magician is a Tree of Life. The branches are the sephirothis realms the roots are the qlippothis realms. Why does it feel lifted up and removed from its soil? Is it to be transplanted elsewhere?

Clairvoyantly, the Tree of Life appears conical like a Christmas Tree during this event.It appeared in various colours on different magicians; white to white yellow to buttermilk yellow. The branches of this tree are surreal and look like circular sections of white chocolate curls,like shaved chocolate or cheese curling upwards. These thin layers of energy seem to have peeled off of each chakra and each sephira curling and curving upwards.

The tree begins in geoconcentrical rings widest at feet and smallest supernally above the crown
and this develops later to become a linear spiral in one line curving around the trunk as it ascends
later it becomes a double helix ascending and descending.

Kundalini Events can be associated with spiritual lessons which are idiosyncratic to that magician but sharing some commonality with others. The Lessons of the Lunar Fire are letting go by forgiving and becoming released from emotional mire.Typically a Kundalini Event is an opportunity for some spring cleaning. It is a time to forgive and love self and others. It is a time to send healing energies through the body to places where emotional angst has built up toxins.