Last night I had an OBE induced from a lucid dream. The realization that I was dreaming though was very interesting There was a large black cat who appeared in the scene and started jumping to reach me, because I was on some sort of a platform with other people. Suddenly a bunch of cats all colors came from somewhere and started circling below us. The black one was maybe 3 times the size of the other cats. She started jumping and reaching with her paw towards me. I was trying to shoo it away. On the third attempt the cat managed to scratch my hand. I was so freaked out, but at that moment I realized that I am in a dream state. Then everything snapped into focus and clarity. Next thing I know I am hugging the cat and as I am looking at her, the face of the cat turned into a face of an old woman. I was startled and at that very moment the face changed into a face of a young woman. It was staring a cat with a human face lol, how freaky is that!
Next thing, the cat started intensely whispering things in my ear for a long time. But when I snapped back, I could not remember what exactly she was saying. I only remember clearly a huge excitement and strong surge of emotions while listening. I remember asking few questions as well, but I don’t remember them either. How frustrating!!!! So, that was it. I used to have a black cat long time ago, but I think in this case this cat represented something else. I know black cats are associated with bad luck, evil, darkness, etc..., but I certainly did not have any negative feelings during or after the OBE.