Quote Originally Posted by Zethor View Post
Hello,I thought it would be interesting to see peoples different experiences with Negs. I'm curious with anyone keen to answer, what was your first Negative entity you faced in an Astral / OBE experience
The first I recall was when I was about 2 years old,I was attacked in dreamstate and couldn't move the body when I came back to it. I was told a lot of lies and I was told that I deserved to die and was generally verbally abused. It frightened me and made me fear the dark and fear going out of the body. I had a series of nightmares concerning it.It was a skinny old man with black bat wings that smelt horribly and drooled out of the right side of its mouth. He was a demonically descended pedophile ghost
and what was the hardest you ever fought in direct combat with their appearance also for both and how it was over come.
The hardest was an attack on the household by 3 teenagers whom were demonically descended. We knew one of them. The other two were his friends. He attacked us because he was in jail for attempted murder of our daughter. He blamed us for his jail sentence. These boys looked like human faced beasts hairy skinny and smelly. The appearance would change from this naked hairy bat winged beast to a clothed human with a scowling face. Four of us were attacked in dreamstate. They sat on our chests and ate energy from the chest and scalp. I was unable to move. After the one attacking me consumed the crown energy, I could not see him or hear him anymore. The attack caused my husband to have a heart attack that night. I had to go to cardiac intensive care. Two of our children vomited and blanched and became very weak and depressed. I projected out of the body and hid in the wall and was yanked out of there. I found that I could hide in a doorframe better. I evoked the principal archangels and Christ and Michael removed them. Christ lectured us to not invited snakes into the nest.