I apologize if this has been brought up before, it's just something I discovered recently works really well for me because I have trouble with visualization; although I can do it, it oftentimes becomes fuzzy or I get unfocused. That's why I was attracted to RB's work, because his tactile approach works really well for me. Still, I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who is primarily tactile oriented but wants to be able to "see" energy clearly.

If you REALLY have trouble even getting a visualization going, I recommend finding a good sci-fi movie with excellent special effects to get started. There are any number of them out there. Once you've watched it enough to get a good "afterimage" in your head from the movie, just look at yourself in front of a mirror and transfer the image over. I use an image of lightning/electricity coming from my hands, and then directing the energy to each of my chakras in turn while toning, but I'm sure the possibilities are endless. Anyway I notice a dramatic improvement when using a mirror--not only visually, but kinesthetically. Plus it's fun