This entity whatever it may or may not be actually does some similar things you said in the earlier post Soul. On many occasions when I lay down to go to sleep at night my bed begins to shake, not up to the excorsist or anything but it's very noticable. I have moved into different positions to see if it was just a muscle spasm, yet the shaking continues. I can also feel a hand pushing up under me sometimes instead of feeling shaking, it pushes up in random positions. I typically laugh and say really? shaking the bed is all you got? When I mock the entity though it's definitely one of the more active nights once I fall asleep.

It also likes to do things with my feet. After everything that happened last night I expected it to either ramp up the activity or downgrade, it ramped it up. I spent around 4 hours meditating today, I was meditating though not attempting to Astral Project. Around an hour maybe an hour and a half I drifted off into mental imagery and found myself on a small boat rowing up some very friendly looking river. Well when I came back to in the physical I had something tapping on the bottom of my foot. Also there have been a couple times I woke up to something smacking the bottom of my feet. What is the reason they go for the feet so much? Before it started piggy backing on me recently it always was grabbing and grabbing onto my legs and feet.