Following the advice of a friend I've made here, Frozen Astral, I had another successful projection early this morning.

Now, this one was rough, but cool. Slipping out was the hard part. I thought my body was being taken over by some huge force beyond my control and I fought it. I think I had already slipped out and was trying to control the sleep paralysis and got scared. Anyway, not much detail to report as the whole thing was a little dream like, but I finally settled myself and navigated by thought instead of trying to move my physical body, which was impossible obviously.

I slipped out around 5 a.m. and hung midair in my kitchen like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible where he's breaking into that security center and is hooked to all those wires just a few inches above ground. I was about three feet up, splayed out and just chilling there, enjoying the floating sensation. I watched my hands melt twice, told myself I MUST remember this, and then I woke.

I do have a question for the pros:

What does it mean when your projections aren't very lucid, but have more of a dream quality to them? I keep seeming to have an incomplete mind split. I'll be in my astral body, but then aware I can't move some direction because my pillow is blocking me. This is very frustrating. From reading MAP, I understand this may be due to not enough energetic flow in the astral body, which makes sense because I have a wicked cold going on right now and could barely breath in through my nose going into the trance state. I'm over the virus rodeo this's messing with my Chi.

Thanks, and I'm happy to share the approach if anyone is curious. It's plain simple, but worked my first try.
