This might be construed as a frivolous question. Please be kind --- it's the only way of finding out by someone who's spent a lifetime failing at this ability and who can't do it.
There's a TV show called 'Visions of Italy'. A helicopter cruises the west coast of Italy a few hundred feet up and a hundred feet off the cliffs. The scenery is UNBELIEVABLE. Castles hanging on the edge of cliffs, rocks, caves..... BEAUTIFUL !!
I have seen beautiful scenery. I have good visio of the experience (visual memory). But it's a pale shadow of the real thing. If I want to really SEE it, I have to go back in my body to view it again.
I see astral travel in the Real Time Zone as being like a combination of Harry Potter and Superman. If you want to get the same visio effect as if your body was floating a hundred feet off the cliffs, you can. Just astral travel there.
Am I expecting or hoping too much --- is it like just imagining a scene, or is it REAL? Please tell me. I am 73 and getting tired of trying. I hate wasting your time but I don't know anyone else who could answer that.