Hi everyone.

I´d like to ask if anyone does understand what this field in my inner is called or what it is??

It was filled with fear and total terror and horror...to activate this state was not rational at all, it could be a person whom my bf did know and I felt the persons gray area of dis honest could activate my fear, fear me not be able to have anything to say but be forces because of my bf did know him to socialize with him and I can´t...so me reacting very irrational and not be able to tell clearly to my bf but me acting like a maniack in total fear and want to break our relationship....fear not to be able to have no saying or controll of our social life and whom to have as friend´s....

I can´t say how many fight´s we had, until the total field was cleared...but it is now done...I feel secure and safe...and terror is gone...and the field is total blank??!!

Off course I am happy..but what on earth is this field or place in me what was filled with this fear?? and activated by other people....

Does any one understand what I am trying to articulate here??