Hello Robert

I hope my issue doesn't sound too strange to anyone.

There is a man who is deceased whom I dream about constantly, as well as find my self thinking about constantly. It also seems that over the last few years many things that happen in my life, even in a small way, are somehow related to him. I also find myself talking to him during my day, it sometimes feels like he is close by. Whenever I hear anything about his death, I can't relate to it because in my mind and in my experience of feeling his presence, he feels very much alive. I feel like I have actually fallen in love with him... I also feel he has feelings for me too.

At times I think to myself, how stupid of me this is all just in my mind, and I need to get a life!! How cruel (to do to myself) to fall in love, or to believe I have fallen in love with someone who is dead. Its not like I don't have a life, I do, and its not like I don't have or don't want "normal" relationships with the living, of course I do...but I feel like I have him too. Then I find myself thinking, what's so wrong with it maybe this is real, just because simeone is dead doesn't mean you can not have a sense of being in love with them. Mostly however I don't really judge it, I accept what I am feeling and I accept him as a part of my life, and I get on with life.

Its times like over the last few days that I have been feeling rather confused, and very sad really over this. This is why I am asking you for your advice and opinion. Is this just all in my mind, have I formed, what would be considered to some people, an unhealthy attachment, to a dead man? Should I let this go and get it out of my head, because it is not possible for someone in spirit to fall in love with someone in the physical plane. On the other hand if I do, could I be giving up something that is real and not just in my mind - something that is a lovely experience to have? I would miss him so much too.

Thanks so much for reading this, and sorry its so long.

With Love