Hi Robert Bruce.

I want to ask you about a vacum feeling...I did start to feel this very young, infact as an infant, the first memory of this vacum feeling is when I am 8 months age, I am lying in my lath-bed, it is night, summer night and it is bright like day time, mother is looking out of the window and me looking at her, when she looks at me, I lift my shoulders up like a sighn to her to lift me up, she understands my want but she say, no, you try to sleep I am here with you...I do understand her, but I am dissapointed for not getting her nearness, but I do not cry or anything, I feel a very deep understanding and accptance...Then the next vacum feeling as I remember is when I am at 1 year 4 months age...and so on...and in 1980-81 when the big beating happened to me, then this vacum feeling did occur in great amount and this I mean long period so I wount forget it, and during this time I was getting much informtion about our undestructable core and so on...

My question is...is this vacum a higher self sighn, or higher realms approach to my core??
