Hey there, so recently I had tried do have an OBE but during my exit something had held me back. Previously when I was younger I can clearly remember having OBEs and passing through the vibrational stage but today was completely different, it was out of the ordinary from what I was used to. Once I entered the vibrational stage and tried using the 'ladder method' I literally felt something grab my right bicep(it felt in-between both ethereal and physical and it left a lingering pain on there for about an hour or so) and it was restricting me from exiting. I refused to give up though because I can remember trying to keep pulling myself up but I kept being dragged back down to my physical body.

I can also remember feeling a stinging pain on my foot, so to say anyway from my experience. There was also a kind of growling sound I kept hearing. I can't really say if that was also due to me trying to exit my physical body.

I was reading around on the forum, others seemed to have a similar experience as I did in terms of not being able to leave past the vibrational stage. Basically, I feel as though it basically sums it all the way up to be a 'Dweller'(though, correct me if I'm wrong). I'd really appreciate some advice on what to do with the current situation. I gotta say though, I'm really determined not to give up and keep going through my next round, even though it freaked me out.

Thank you!
And much love