I started meditating about 20 years ago based on the recommendation of a friend and a few books to learn to induce a conscious out of body experience. After some time of practice I began feeling very relaxed and at the same time stimulating energy throughout my body, and was thrilled to discover a way to feel this way without other substances. I started waking up in dreams on occasion and realized they were astral experiences. Most of them involved floating or flying of some sort. I experienced quite a few zaps or snap backs in waking back up suddenly in my body, as well as being paralyzed upon waking, sometimes with or without recalling my out of body experience.

Things stayed at this point for some years. I started meditating while listening to music using headphones sometimes. I found that some music pans toward the front, back, left or right of the speakers, and consequently began stimulating energy and different sensations when my awareness or attention was absorbed in this. Every now and then I could feel the music, as a sensation above and behind my ears, usually on one side or another at a time. When focused on, this sensation would get stronger, and either shoot down my spine, or across and up my brain sending waves of ecstatic energy through my brain. My body would jerk upright as if being pulled up through my spine and up through the back and top of my head. It was almost violent, like sparks of fire like energy that were out of control, but it felt good at the same time. This feeling would not last long, and I would feel a bit burnt out afterward. After some time I found out this may be related to Kundalini awakening, so I stopped this type of practice.

Years later, I still get these sensations sometimes, and without headphones. I can listen to music in the car, or someone speaking behind me, and the sensations start to come back. I have had a few experiences in recent years where I am feeling exhausted and fatigued. So tired in fact, that I am ready to fall asleep, and can't imagine having the energy to do anything else. On occasion when feeling this way, I sit down to meditate. I don't even have the energy to sit straight, and my posture is quite slumped with my head down. I feel fatigue and a heaviness in my head. I can feel the heaviness pull me down to sleep. I take a deep breath and with that I feel a spark of ecstatic energy in my head. The sensation is fiery, ecstatic, and becomes stronger if I focus on it until it jerks my spine upright and the energy shoots out of my 3rd eye and crown chakra. It only lasts a minute, and I feel a bit burnt out afterwards, almost like I am not able to receive the amount of energy being put out, like overloading a socket...just like when I got these sensations listening to music with headphones.

Any advice on this, or people out there with similar experiences? Please advise...