I am very focused on integrating with my higher self at the moment so I thought it would be a good time to share an experience I had a few years ago.

It is night time. I become aware that I am outside my body. There is some sort of being watching me. It is only about two feet away. It does nothing. It just stares. I feel anger well up inside of me. This is a new reaction. I have been having awful unasked for OBE for a while now and I've had enough of the fear and powerlessness.

I throw back my head and roar like a wild animal. I surprise myself with my aggression. The being isn't affected one bit. Once I have finished my brave attempt to see it off it throws back its head and mimics me perfectly. I am taken aback but begin to experiment. When I raise my left arm it does the same. I try the right and it mirrors the action. Noting the connection we seem to have I decide to hurtle myself backwards into the unfamiliar astral world. I am annoyed that this being probably knows all about my experiences, whereas I know nothing. I will terrify myself to get to it. And so I push myself backwards at speed but the fear is too great and I hold out my hands and ask the being to help me.

In an instant it has caught me and brings me back to my body. It eases me in and seems to sit at my side leaning over me. The love emanating from it is nothing that I have ever experienced before. It feels like the love of God. Then it goes into my heart area like a ghost entering my body. I open my eyes and simply say 'wow'. There is nothing else I can say. The experience was too profound.

So that was my experience. For years I assumed I had met my higher self but I have come across references to shadow selves on this site so perhaps it had more to do with that. Although I have no idea what a shadow self is. I'd appreciate feedback on this from folks in the know. Thanks.