Quote Originally Posted by Tutor View Post

there is nothing to "tell right out", for as soon as it leaves your lips, it out is wronged. the point of it is to suggest that within anyone is an imagination which clothes, and that individual imagination is the private closet in which all clothing is stuffed full. no one can have what is real told right out, for what is real [YOU] ever remains within unwronged, unless of course the one within believes that it is wronged, thereby being clothed in what it is not. one is ever naked, ever vulnerably exposed, and therefrom grasps with the gropings into the dark until alas it realizes that freedom and nakedness [within] are one and the self-same.

clean that child's closet out, go within it, sit there and saying nothing...pray...listen........................... .............
But there is always to tell it right out....first have to tell from what level you are expressing your self from...and what I mean by level is...if it is from our physical dimenstion here on earth....or if it is metaphorically from our inner dimensions...
So from the beginning I asked you what you mean because I did not understand from what level you express your self...so I did another try and asked if you meant our physical world or metaphorically from our inner....and you can never be friend with an wild animal here on earth, you can train it but never relax and think you can be friend, it is a wild animal....and if you talk about the "beast/shadow" then you can transform it and must do so to enter to "higher" realms...
So...all would have bean cool for me if you had said the inner ...as I see it is that you are expressing and now you use the word...child....and clothes....I do understand.

I feel stress infront of your saying...there is nothing to "tell right out", for as soon as it leaves your lips, it out is wronged

I do not agree here...there is a truth in every level and moment you speak from...this truth will change when you move to another level, there is that levels truth....and then there is the outer most truth what is the prize...and this outer most truth is our drive in life/evolution...we will never know this outer most truth it is impossible to do so, because life is never ending stream...so what does stress in me...is if we start to stagnet and think....that the word are wronged as soon it leavs your lips...then WHAT use is there then to talk??? Then I can be silent and only observe....
