cleaning out my garage making more room. unboxing stuff that's been boxed up anywhere from 3 - 6 years, through three moves.

anyway, i am pretty much down to boxes of my books, be like xmas. lots and lots of books, over 30 boxes of em. trying to thin em out, but i'd done that how many times. in the last 11-12 years, i musta looked through at least a coupla thousand books. most of them purchased at a high price and shipping from other countrys. the older the book the better, the farther back the translation the better. it has been a passion, a fever to learn. what have i learned? i've looked at a ♥♥♥♥e load of books. that's about it.

for example, i've every book from A.B., every one of em. i must have upwards of 25 different translations of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, one just wasnt good enough to get the overall gist of it. many such topical titles i've gathered every known translation to. point is, ive no intention to look through (study) them all again, maybe a select few that really hit the mark. gonna have to find homes for em. and that's not to mention the internet research given to the trail of gathering. internet research is bollocks now, cant find what you're looking for, for all the hottest hits prioritized and listed page after page; video games stealing every topical title there ever was. what a barrage of b.s. to try and sift through. i feel sorry for those on the trail in todays world. it aint the "aha moment" copyrighted by HARPO...anymore, because of just such nonsense.

that hunger and thirst has abated, the ole noggin needs emptying out, not filling up. am i boasting? no. just saying that the trail of gathering is, but it aint getting easier. if you find a book that resonates, follow through on all quotes in that book to your next books; follow ...follow..follow through. this is because the trail of gathering is the same for all, yet it everybit has to do with what resonates to any one on the trail. Spirit will bring one around in due season where all of it lands as same for all.

Just step on to the trial as you are, and keep on keeping on however you may be in the gathered keeping. turn over every rock, split every piece of wood, look...gather...keep, but do not take and only receive as gathering in. no different than if for a fire's warmth you were gathering in wood. consume the wood, but do not take the wood for yourself, for the wood is for the consuming fire alone. dont worry about forgetting, the trail comes round and round and round, retouching all consumed, diminishing 'the verity' (Qushtah*) like sifting flour till the finest flour is what you got, and what you got is YOU and Yours.

but, what then with this your's which no man can take from you? shall it fester within becoming toxic? nay, it is for the sharing in kind, simply because any YOU is a landing as/of same for all; and All it belongs to. other wise held within, without the sharing, one is worse off than before they ever stepped upon the trial of gathering.


listen to these words by Merton; "Love can be kept only by being given away"; "True happiness is found in unselfish love, a love which increases in proportion as it is shared. There is no end to the sharing of love, and, therefore, the potential happiness of such love is without limit. Infinite [externalized] sharing is the law of God's inner life. He has made the sharing of ourselves the law of our own being, so that it is in loving others that we best love ourselves. It is in disinterested activity we best fulfill our own capacities to act and to be."; "Without a life of the spirit, our whole existence becomes unsubstantial and illusory. The life of the spirit, by integrating us in the real order established by God, puts us in the fullest possible contact with reality---not as we imagine it, but as it really is." Thomas Merton, various writs


so friends, this same for all, is merely LOVE. YOU are LOVE and Yours is Love. the trail's end, life's beginning

*Qushtah ~ The Verity; also Kushta ~ Truth, as the Mystic's Revelation; and if trail followed through you'll discover that this revelation, though variously given of many languages, does not vary in the least....[in the least...meaning the same for all].

however, even as this trail is in the world, if it is of the world then prepare for no outcoming other than what is already immediately scene. externalized debate, argument, right vs wrong, war and strife amongst peoples. even still, the latter is quite seen, however, it is understood, and in the sharing some few might arrive, neither right nor wrong, just arriving.

notice above that Merton states, "It is in disinterested activity we best fulfill our own capacities to act and to be.".

boyo, that sounds ludicrous doesnt it? we always imagine sitting with like minds with ease of discussion about such immaterial findings. but that aint the way, you have to deliver it exactly where it is least. simply because, as it is the least, it belongs where least is. does no good to share the least where there is most. not to mention, it makes no sense at all if given where it makes sense. yet, it would seem to make no sense at all when least meets least. that's on account of how folks imagine themselves as more than they really are, they cannot accept this least, this love, wanting of more, and wanting of an easiest more, the quickest more, instant gratification---an unceasing hunger where least cannot fill.

it's a hard trail, anyone on it will tell you so. it aint for sissies, but it will darn sure make you small. but small is the least, for from a tiny seed is much given. "he whom takes care of a little is given a lot." taking care of a little is giving this little away.

my brother said to me today, one ought to keep no less than 90 days of stored food/water just in case. i says, just in case of what? he says, in case something happens and the food stops coming. I says, well 90 days of food will feed 90 people in one day, because most folks dont or arent able to keep such quantities, and they'd be mighty hungry brother. now, this ole brother is a christian minister, go figure.

the purpose of emptying/sharing is to remain emptied. like if the many folks had no food, it'd be the best to be hungry with the many; than to be with the few having full bellies by not sharing. a one that shares never runs out of what may be shared, for what of God may be shared is inexhaustable. this aint saying that one speaks as God, it is saying that God spoke, and is yet speaking to anyone of his. who aint His, or whom would presume to determine such? i surely cannot determine it, for i hardly see myself as worthy most of the time. yet, that is how small is, how the least is, how the same for all is. and that is why Love is, that we'd, any of us, enjoy the fullest possible contact with reality, as it really IS.

dedicated to Mom.
