Just a little note for the journal of 2 small dreams recalled.
1) Was sitting on the floor talking to a few people when someone was sitting facing all of us talking.I looked at the person and noticed that she was talking non stop to no one in particular. in the dream I thought " oh I think she must be channeling and we are supposed to listen." I listened. Cann't remember what was said.
2) popped my head around the doorway leading to a corridor,walked around it when suddenly loads and loads of strangers walked in .All wearing the same kind of of traditional costume.They were all strangers to me but I felt they were all family members of my husband. One man was sitting and for some reason as I passed him I seemed to be working out that I thought this was my guide. I was sure it was,but there was no reason why I should think this. He didn't even speak to me . Just looked at me.
( ps . No he wasn't handsome,)