I went to a shaman last Friday. He claim that he 'can pull the spirit out from one's body' using Latin chant.

The ritual goes like this:
he first conducted the 'cleansing' technique because if there's an elemental being near by me, he cannot be able to pull my 'spirit' out from my body because it's dangerous (as what he said,) by that, he needed to do the 'cleansing'.
He wrote down my full name on a clean bond paper and chanted Latin prayers then he placed the paper about 4 inches away parallel to the candle's flame. As per instruction, if I see animals or trees or leaves on the paper, then there's elemental being near me and he will cleanse me and if I see a human's image, there's someone angry at me but I am safe for the astral projection that he will conduct. I only saw face which resembles from a lady I knew. He said we can proceed to the next step:

he chanted a Latin prayer, then he asked my name and ask his name as if he's trying to confuse and or hypnotize me. Then he asked me to close my eyes and answer his questions like:
"do you see glowing light?" I said "yes"
"is it getting bigger?" I said "no"
he continued, then he said "using your left hand, groping on your left side do you feel something?" I said "none"
then he grabbed my shoulders upward and asked "what do you feel?" I said "I'm dizzy"
he then asked me "do you see yourself sitting?" I said "no"

He repeated the ritual but the second time, he used different method, instead from shoulders, he tried to pull my "spirit" (as what he said) through my head, I can feel that I am stretching (inside) as he continues. I also feel the energy droplets growing, crawling and scattering on my forehead.

He again asked me if I see myself sitting, but really I can't see myself, maybe because I am lack of concentration and we don't have enough time.

He said "You are not fit, your soul is confused, you are in danger of not returning in your body if you do this thing" then he chanted prayers while he's marking a little cross (using his fingers) above my shoulders then he said "You cannot do astral projection anymore."

Does anyone have same experience?
How does Latin prayer affects the astral ability of someone?
Has anyone who has opinion regarding this kind of experience?
Why is it that it seems he's afraid about my OBE?

*I can OBE using the sleep paralysis (during the moment I lay down) and as I project, I always talk to my spirit guide and I visualize myself with white light which I am confident that nothing will harm me.
*Up to this day, I am observing myself if I can go out of my body. A while ago and yesterday I only got lucid dreams. but there's always tomorrow.